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Ursina 字典中的實體問題 Python

[英]Problem With Entites In A Dictionary in Ursina Python

我需要制作一個包含許多單獨實體的網格,我正在使用字典自動創建它們,而不是使用 1521 行代碼來創建每個單獨的實體。

我正在使用 on_click function 來運行 function,“動作”,當實體被點擊時,動作 function 需要知道點擊了什么實體,所以我為 function 傳遞了一個參數,告訴它實體的鍵在存儲所有實體的字典中單擊。




def action(button):
    print(button)  # finds what button was clicked

cell_dict = {}
cell_names = []

def create_dicts():
    # Create the keys for each entity. The keys are the entity's coordinates on the board.
    row_num = 0
    for row in board:
        column_num = 0
        for cell in row:
            cell_names.append((row_num, column_num))
            column_num += 1
        row_num += 1

    # Creates entities for each key in the list and adds them to the dictionary.
    for v in range(len(cell_names)):
        cell_dict[cell_names[v]] = Entity(model='quad', color=color.red, scale=0.125, collider='box', on_click=lambda: action(cell_names[v]))

嘗試將 lambda 更改為 function:

def action(button):
    print(button)  # finds what button was clicked

cell_dict = {}
cell_names = []

def create_dicts():
    # Create the keys for each entity. The keys are the entity's coordinates on the board.
    row_num = 0
    for row in board:
        column_num = 0
        for cell in row:
            cell_names.append((row_num, column_num))
            column_num += 1
        row_num += 1

    # Creates entities for each key in the list and adds them to the dictionary.
    for v in range(len(cell_names)):
        cell_dict[cell_names[v]] = Entity(
            on_click=lambda name=cell_names[v]: action(name),  # <-- create a parameter here


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