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[英]Splitting a text file based on empty lines in Spark

我正在處理一個非常大的文件,它是一個幾乎 2GB 的非常大的文本文檔。

像這樣的東西 -

\#\*MOSFET table look-up models for circuit simulation
\#cIntegration, the VLSI Journal

\#\*The verification of the protection mechanisms of high-level language machines
\#@Virgil D. Gligor
\#cInternational Journal of Parallel Programming

\#\*Another view of functional and multivalued dependencies in the relational database model
\#@M. Gyssens, J. Paredaens
\#cInternational Journal of Parallel Programming

\#\*Entity-relationship diagrams which are in BCNF
\#@Sushil Jajodia, Peter A. Ng, Frederick N. Springsteel
\#cInternational Journal of Parallel Programming

我想在 spark 中讀取它們並根據 spark 中的空塊拆分它們並在 PySpark 中創建這些數據的塊。

#*Entity-relationship diagrams which are in BCNF #@Sushil Jajodia, Peter A. Ng, Frederick N. Springsteel #t1984 #cInternational Journal of Parallel Programming #index4

我目前寫的代碼是rdd = sc.textFile('acm.txt').flatMap( lambda x: x.split("\n\n") )

據我了解,您想在 spark 中讀取此文本文件,並且每段有一條記錄。 為此,您可以像這樣更改記錄分隔符(默認情況下為\n ):

在 scala 中:

val rdd = sc.textFile("acm.txt")

在 python 中(您需要訪問 java spark 上下文才能訪問 hadoop 配置):

rdd = sc.textFile("acm.txt")


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