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Shopware 6 API Bulk Update entity product and other issue single error don't update all

[英]Shopware 6 API Bulk Update entity product and other issue single error dont update all

在 API 更新產品中需要一點幫助


  • 我們有產品 1、2、3..... 最多 100 種,我們從我們的 ERP 中批量更新數量(單次操作)
  • 由於某種原因(假設)而不是 integer 我們將字符串發送到第 80 個產品 --- 所以 API 響應給出錯誤(沒關系)
  • 但不僅第 80 個產品無法更新,而且整個批次都失敗,因此 1 到 100 個產品失敗 - 沒有一個被更新



- We are updating "entity": "product", and "action": "upsert" with headers
// --header 'single-operation: 1'
// --header 'indexing-behavior: use-queue-indexing'


如果我們要發送 1 到 100 件產品,而問題僅出現在第 80 件產品上,那么只有那件產品不會得到更新——但 rest 99 件產品應該得到更新

您描述的行為是您使用single-operation: 1時的預期行為,如您鏈接的參考中所述。

使用single-operation: 1您發送的所有操作都在單個數據庫事務中執行,因此當其中一個操作失敗時,其他操作也會回滾。

根據你的描述,你想使用single-operation: 0 ,這意味着你發送的每個操作都有它自己的數據庫事務,所以當一個操作失敗時,其他操作仍然 go 通過。

參考 URL https://shopware.stoplight.io/docs/admin-api/faf8f8e4e13a0-bulk-payloads#examples

Update product stocks
    "stock-updates": { // Name of the transaction, choose freely 
        "entity": "product", // Name of the entity you would like to update
        "action": "upsert", // Available actions are upsert and delete,
        "payload": [ // A list of objects, each representing a subset of the entity scheme referenced in `entity`. `id` is required for upsert operations.
                "id": "c197170c60ab472b8dc1218acaba220e",
                "stock": 41
                "id": "a10c59fce8214fdaa552d74e0c6347ff",
                "stock": 'XXXXX'
                "id": "1b13176b6e0f4bb496c9a31b4fd7e97b",
                "stock": 43

我們嘗試了以下方法來更新庫存——但不是 integer 批量發送一個產品的字符串 XXXXX,這樣我們就可以看到一個產品沒有更新其他產品的錯誤。 (完整批量未更新)

以下是我們庫存中的情景 1 和情景 2 均未更新。 我們想要一種使用單一操作的方法:0 並且應該更新非錯誤產品庫存



Response 1: Array
    [error] => 1
    [message] => Array
            [errors] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [code] => ba785a8c-82cb-4283-967c-3cf342181b40
                            [status] => 400
                            [detail] => This value should be of type int.
                            [template] => This value should be of type {{ type }}.
                            [meta] => Array
                                    [parameters] => Array
                                            [{{ value }}] => "XXXXX"
                                            [{{ type }}] => int


                            [source] => Array
                                    [pointer] => /product/2/stock







Response 2: Array
    [error] => 1
    [message] => Array
            [success] => 
            [data] => Array
                    [product] => Array
                            [result] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [entities] => Array

                                            [errors] => Array


                                    [1] => Array
                                            [entities] => Array

                                            [errors] => Array
                                                    [0] => Array
                                                            [code] => ba785a8c-82cb-4283-967c-3cf342181b40
                                                            [status] => 400
                                                            [detail] => This value should be of type int.
                                                            [template] => This value should be of type {{ type }}.
                                                            [meta] => Array
                                                                    [parameters] => Array
                                                                            [{{ value }}] => "XXXXX"
                                                                            [{{ type }}] => int


                                                            [source] => Array
                                                                    [pointer] => /2/stock




                                    [2] => Array
                                            [entities] => Array




                            [extensions] => Array






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