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[英]Insert from one DB to another "The system cannot find the file specified"


with aux as
      when url = '/my/url/envio'
      then 'WEB'
      else 'APP'
    end canal,
      when json_query(json, '$.request.listaexcepciones') = '[]'
      or NOT json_exists(json,'$.request.listaexcepciones')
      then 'SEMANA'
      else 'EXCEPCION'
    end tipo_operacion
  from cats.raw_data rd
  where fecha_evento between trunc(sysdate - INTERVAL '1' MONTH, 'MONTH') and
    trunc(sysdate, 'MONTH') - INTERVAL '1' DAY and
    url in ('/my/url/envio','/my/app/url/envio') and
    json_value( json , '$.responsecode') in (200, 202, 204) AND
    rownum < 5
select tipo_operacion
  || '_'
  || canal categoria,
  count(1) valor
from aux
group by tipo_operacion,

從一個 Oracle DB 到另一個 DB。 但是,當我打開命令提示符並粘貼以下內容時:

echo copy from USERNAME1/PWD1@TNS1 to USERNAME2/PWD2@TNS2 insert MY_TABLE using with aux as (select case when url = '/my/url/envio' then 'WEB' else 'APP' end canal, case when json_query(json, '$.request.listaexcepciones') = '[]' or NOT json_exists(json,'$.request.listaexcepciones') then 'SEMANA' else 'EXCEPCION' end tipo_operacion from cats.raw_data rd where fecha_evento between trunc(sysdate - INTERVAL '1' MONTH, 'MONTH') and trunc(sysdate, 'MONTH') - INTERVAL '1' DAY and url in ('/my/url/envio','/my/app/url/envio') and json_value( json , '$.responsecode') in (200, 202, 204) AND rownum < 5 ) select tipo_operacion || '_' || canal categoria, count(1) valor from aux group by tipo_operacion, canal | C:\sqlcl-latest\sqlcl\bin\sql /nolog


The system cannot find the file specified


某些字符在 Windows 命令提示符中具有特殊含義。 這些字符必須在echo命令中轉義。 他們是| , & , <> 轉義字符^前置,如下所示: ^| , ^& , ^<^> 轉義字符本身可以轉義為^^

在您的命令中,您必須將rownum < 5轉義為rownum ^< 5
tipo_operacion || '_' || canal categoria tipo_operacion || '_' || canal categoria
tipo_operacion ^|^| '_' ^|^| canal categoria

參見: echo/備注部分(微軟學習)


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