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Visual Studio 2022 正在從調用堆棧中打開文件並在底部窗格中搜索 window

[英]Visual Studio 2022 is opening files from the call stack and search window in the bottom pane

我正在調試 C# ASP.NET 應用程序。 當我雙擊調用堆棧中的一個項目時,它會在 Visual Studio 2022 的底部窗格中打開文件。我知道如何更改所有這些持久性 windows(如調用堆棧、斷點等)打開的位置,但我不能不知道如何更改文件在調用堆棧中打開的位置。 我希望它們在我的其他代碼所在的主窗格上方打開。 我目前必須將它們從底部窗格拖到主窗格。

我剛剛注意到搜索 window 也在做同樣的事情......


 Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022
Version 17.2.8
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.8.04084

Installed Version: Professional

Visual C++ 2022   00476-80000-00000-AA770
Microsoft Visual C++ 2022

.NET Core Debugging with WSL   1.0
.NET Core Debugging with WSL

ASP.NET and Web Tools 2019   17.2.393.26812
ASP.NET and Web Tools 2019

Azure App Service Tools v3.0.0   17.2.393.26812
Azure App Service Tools v3.0.0

Azure Functions and Web Jobs Tools   17.2.393.26812
Azure Functions and Web Jobs Tools

C# Tools   4.2.0-4.22281.5+8d3180e5f00d42f0f0295165f756f368f0cbfa44
C# components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.

Common Azure Tools   1.10
Provides common services for use by Azure Mobile Services and Microsoft Azure Tools.

Microsoft JVM Debugger   1.0
Provides support for connecting the Visual Studio debugger to JDWP compatible Java Virtual Machines

NuGet Package Manager   6.2.1
NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio. For more information about NuGet, visit https://docs.nuget.org/

Razor (ASP.NET Core)
Provides languages services for ASP.NET Core Razor.

SQL Server Data Tools   17.0.62204.01010
Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools

Test Adapter for Boost.Test   1.0
Enables Visual Studio's testing tools with unit tests written for Boost.Test.  The use terms and Third Party Notices are available in the extension installation directory.

Test Adapter for Google Test   1.0
Enables Visual Studio's testing tools with unit tests written for Google Test.  The use terms and Third Party Notices are available in the extension installation directory.

TypeScript Tools   17.0.10418.2001
TypeScript Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio

Visual Basic Tools   4.2.0-4.22281.5+8d3180e5f00d42f0f0295165f756f368f0cbfa44
Visual Basic components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.

Visual F# Tools   17.1.0-beta.22329.1+702b8e77f5fbfe21e6743324c1750503e02f182d
Microsoft Visual F# Tools

Visual Studio IntelliCode   2.2
AI-assisted development for Visual Studio.

根據我的研究,我認為單擊調用堆棧 windows 中的代碼行的默認布局不會顯示在 Visual Studio 2022 的底部窗格中。


首先,請確保沒有任何擴展可以影響 windows 的布局。










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