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打開和關閉 animation 模型的可見屬性會干擾 ThreeJS 動畫/渲染循環嗎?

[英]Turning animation model's visible property on and off interferes with ThreeJS animate/render loop?

在我的ThreeJS應用程序 (r124) 中,我有一個 GLB animation model 我附加了一個聚光燈,讓它看起來像一架帶燈的無人機,可以打開和關閉。 我有一個 function 來“打開燈”,它唯一做的就是通過將其visible屬性設置為true來使燈可見:

    this.turnOnLight = function(bUseLaserScan=false) {
        if (self.CAC.modelInstance.visible === false)
            self.CAC.modelInstance.visible = true;

不幸的是,這樣做會干擾渲染/動畫循環。 每次我開燈(關燈)時,都會有一段 200-300 毫秒范圍內的長時間停頓,將場景中的所有東西都凍結了那么長的時間。 換句話說,渲染循環在 200-300 毫秒內未被調用。 如果我注釋掉改變光的可見性屬性的語句,暫停/延遲就會消失。


如果我每次打開光子對象時都加載一個大的 model 或其他東西,我可以看到這種情況發生。 但是,當我所做的只是將visible屬性設置為 TRUE 時,這是怎么發生的呢?

以下是我構建 Spotlight 並將其附加到相機無人機主 animation object 的方法。注意, self.CAC.modelInstance只是一個 object,我用來聚合所有 animation 模型共有的 ThreeJS 對象和屬性。

function AnimatedLight(
    bAddLaserScan=false) {
    const self = this;

    this._buildTheLight = function(
        modelDeclJsonObj) {
        const methodName = self.constructor.name + '::' + `_buildTheLight`;
        const errPrefix = '(' + methodName + ') ';

        let retLightObj = null;

        if (misc_shared_lib.isEmptySafeString(threeJsLightObjectName))
            throw new Error(`${errPrefix}The threeJsLightObjectName parameter is empty.`);

        if (!misc_shared_lib.isNonNullObjectAndNotArray(modelDeclJsonObj))
            throw new Error(`${errPrefix}The modelDeclJsonObj is not a valid object.`);

        //  Provide default values for the properties the modelDeclJsonObj 
        //   object doesn't have.
        // Default color is RED.
        let color = typeof modelDeclJsonObj.color !== 'undefined' ? modelDeclJsonObj.color : 0xf41321; // 0xffffff;
        let intensity = typeof modelDeclJsonObj.intensity !== 'undefined' ? modelDeclJsonObj.intensity : 8.6; //  1.0;
        let distance = typeof modelDeclJsonObj.distance !== 'undefined' ? modelDeclJsonObj.distance : 0.0;
        let decay = typeof modelDeclJsonObj.decay !== 'undefined' ? modelDeclJsonObj.decay : 1.0;

        // These properties are only for spot-lights, which have an inner angle.
        // NOTE: We store angles in the JSON model initialization declaration
        //  object because they are easier to specify then angles expressed
        //  in radians.

        let angle = (0.8 * MAX_ANGLE_FOR_SPOTLIGHT); // Math.PI / 3;  // Default value.

        if (typeof modelDeclJsonObj.inner_angle_in_degrees !== 'undefined') {
            if (typeof modelDeclJsonObj.inner_angle_in_degrees !== 'number')
                throw new Error(`${errPrefix} The "inner_angle_in_degrees" property in the model JSON declaration object is not a number.`);
            angle = THREE.MathUtils.degToRad(modelDeclJsonObj.inner_angle_in_degrees);

        let penumbra = 0;

        if (typeof modelDeclJsonObj.penumbra_angle_in_degress !== 'undefined') {
            if (typeof modelDeclJsonObj.penumbra_angle_in_degress !== 'number')
                throw new Error(`${errPrefix} The "penumbra_angle_in_degress" property in the model JSON declaration object is not a number.`);

            // ThreeJS uses a range of 0 to 1.0 for the penumbra angle, so
            //  we divide by 180 to rescale the provided value.
            penumbra = Math.min(THREE.MathUtils.degToRad(modelDeclJsonObj.penumbra_angle_in_degress / 180.0), 1);

        // Build the correct ThreeJS light object given the specified
        //  light object type.
        if (threeJsLightObjectName === 'PointLight') {
            retLightObj = new THREE.PointLight(color, intensity, distance, decay);
        else if (threeJsLightObjectName === 'DirectionalLight') {
            retLightObj = new THREE.DirectionalLight(color, intensity);
        else if (threeJsLightObjectName === 'SpotLight') {
            // Create a mini-menu for this type of light.
            retLightObj = new THREE.SpotLight(color, intensity, distance, angle, penumbra, decay);

            // Is a lens sphere desired?
            if (bAddLensSphere) {
                // Yes.  Create it.

                // .................... BEGIN: SUB-OBJECT - Lens Sphere ............

                const radius = 3;
                self.lensSphereObj =
                    new THREE.Mesh(
                        new THREE.SphereBufferGeometry(radius, 20, 20),
                        new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({color: 0xFF0000}));

                // Add it to the top level animation model.
                // self.CAC.modelInstance.add(cameraLensObj);

                // Add it to the spotlight object.

                // .................... END  : SUB-OBJECT - Lens Sphere ............
            throw new Error(`${errPrefix}Invalid threeJsLightObjectName value: ${threeJsLightObjectName}`);

        return retLightObj;

     * Makes the light visible.  
    this.turnOnLight = function(bUseLaserScan=false) {
        if (self.CAC.modelInstance.visible === false)
            self.CAC.modelInstance.visible = true;

     * Makes the light invisible.
    this.turnOffLight = function() {
        if (self.CAC.modelInstance.visible === true)
            self.CAC.modelInstance.visible = false;

    this.setTargetForSpotLight = function(targetObj) {
        self.CAC.modelInstance.target = targetObj;

     * This method must be called to initialize this
     *  animated light for animation.  
    this.initializeModel = function (
        initModelArgs= null,
        funcCallWhenInitialized = null,
    ) {
        const methodName = self.constructor.name + '::' + `initializeModel`;
        const errPrefix = '(' + methodName + ') ';

        // Store the reference to the AnimationManager() object
        //  that owns us in the CommonAnimationObject we
        //  aggregate.
        self.CAC.parentAnimManagerObj = parentAnimManagerObj;

        // Create a ThreeJS light object from the model (light)
        //  declaration in the JSON declarations block.
        self.CAC.modelInstance = self._buildTheLight(threeJsLightObjectName, initModelArgs);


        // Animated lights don't use a model loader.
        self.CAC.modelLoader = null;

        // Set the initial position.
        self.CAC.modelInstance.position.x = initModelArgs.initialPos_X;
        self.CAC.modelInstance.position.y = initModelArgs.initialPos_Y;
        self.CAC.modelInstance.position.z = initModelArgs.initialPos_Z;

        // Add the model to the scene.

        // Finish the initialization process..

        // Execute the desired callback function, if any.
        if (funcCallWhenInitialized)

答案有點復雜。 Three.js 在材質的着色器代碼中使用一個循環來渲染每個光源。 例如,如果您有 3 個聚光燈,您會看到如下內容:

for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
    // Perform spotlight calculations

當您移除燈光時,引擎會重新編譯着色器代碼,因此它只會循環兩次: i < 2 必須對場景中的每種材質都執行此操作,因此根據場景的復雜性和顯卡,新的着色器編譯可能會造成瓶頸。

為了解決這個問題,我建議您只需將光強度更改為 0即可將其關閉。 這樣您就不會修改着色器,它只會更改變量的值。

this.toggleLight = function() {
    if (light.intensity === 0) {
        light.intensity = 1; // ... or whatever value you need
    } else {
        light.intensity = 0;


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