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如何將 VB.NET 中的擴展移植到 C#?

[英]How do I port an extension in VB.NET to C#?

我在 VB.NET 中為 StringBuilder 編寫了一個擴展來添加AppendFormattedLine方法(因此我不必使用換行符的參數之一):

Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Public Module sbExtension
    <Extension()> _
    Public Sub AppendFormattedLine(ByVal oStr As System.Text.StringBuilder, _
                                   ByVal format As String, _
                                   ByVal arg0 As Object)
        oStr.AppendFormat(format, arg0).Append(ControlChars.NewLine)
    End Sub
    <Extension()> _
    Public Sub AppendFormattedLine(ByVal oStr As System.Text.StringBuilder, _
                                   ByVal format As String, ByVal arg0 As Object, _
                                   ByVal arg1 As Object)
        oStr.AppendFormat(format, arg0, arg1).Append(ControlChars.NewLine)
    End Sub
    <Extension()> _
    Public Sub AppendFormattedLine(ByVal oStr As System.Text.StringBuilder, _
                                   ByVal format As String, _
                                   ByVal arg0 As Object, _
                                   ByVal arg1 As Object, _
                                   ByVal arg2 As Object)
        oStr.AppendFormat(format, arg0, arg1, arg2).Append(ControlChars.NewLine)
    End Sub
    <Extension()> _
   Public Sub AppendFormattedLine(ByVal oStr As System.Text.StringBuilder, _
                                  ByVal format As String, _
                                  ByVal ParamArray args() As Object)
        oStr.AppendFormat(format, args).Append(ControlChars.NewLine)
    End Sub
End Module


您知道string.Format()在幕后創建一個新的 StringBuilder 並調用它的AppendFormat()方法嗎? 以第一種方法為例,這應該效率更高:

sb.AppendFormat(format, arg0).Append(Environment.NewLine);

您也應該對 VB 代碼進行相同的更改。


using System;
using System.Text;

public static class ExtensionLibrary
    public static void AppendFormattedLine(this StringBuilder sb, string format, object arg0)
        sb.AppendFormat(format, arg0).Append(Environment.NewLine);
    public static void AppendFormattedLine(this StringBuilder sb, string format, object arg0, object arg1)
        sb.AppendFormat(format, arg0, arg1).Append(Environment.NewLine);
    public static void AppendFormattedLine(this StringBuilder sb, string format, object arg0, object arg1, object arg2)
        sb.AppendFormat(format, arg0, arg1, arg2).Append(Environment.NewLine);
    public static void AppendFormattedLine(this StringBuilder sb, string format, params object[] args)
        sb.AppendFormat(format, args).Append(Environment.NewLine);


改進了代碼,感謝 joel、luke 和 jason。

我以前從未使用過 Telerik 的代碼轉換器,但它的想法如下:

public class sbExtension
    public void AppendFormattedLine(System.Text.StringBuilder oStr, string format, object arg0)
        oStr.AppendFormat(format, arg0).Append(ControlChars.NewLine);
    public void AppendFormattedLine(System.Text.StringBuilder oStr, string format, object arg0, object arg1)
        oStr.AppendFormat(format, arg0, arg1).Append(ControlChars.NewLine);
    public void AppendFormattedLine(System.Text.StringBuilder oStr, string format, object arg0, object arg1, object arg2)
        oStr.AppendFormat(format, arg0, arg1, arg2).Append(ControlChars.NewLine);
    public void AppendFormattedLine(System.Text.StringBuilder oStr, string format, params object[] args)
        oStr.AppendFormat(format, args).Append(ControlChars.NewLine);

//Service provided by Telerik (www.telerik.com)
//Conversion powered by NRefactory.
//Built and maintained by Todd Anglin and Telerik


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