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[英]Compilation Error with Generic Type T when passed to a function twice



//parent.GetChildren() returns a IEnumerable<IBase> 
F1<T>(T parent, Func<string, T, string> func) where T: IBase
    F1(parent.GetChildren(), func);
    //This would wok instead:
    //F1(parent.GetChildren().Select(c=> (T)c), func);

F1<T>(IEnumerable<T> children, Func<string, T, string> func) where T: IBase


//parent.GetChildren() returns a IEnumerable<IBase> 
F1<T>(T parent, Func<string, string, string> func) where T: IBase
    //Works, no casting required
    F1(parent.GetChildren(), func);

F1<T>(IEnumerable<T> children, Func<string, string, string> func) where T: IBase

基本上,如果我在傳遞的參數函數中使用通用Type T作為其參數之一,則會收到以下編譯錯誤:

錯誤1:最佳重載方法匹配為' ConsoleApplication1.Program.FooConsumer.Consume1<ConsoleApplication1.Program.IBase>(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<ConsoleApplication1.Program.IBase>, string, System.Func<string,ConsoleApplication1.Program.IBase,string>) '有一些無效的參數

錯誤2:參數'3':無法從' System.Func<string,T,string> '轉換為' System.Func<string,ConsoleApplication1.Program.IBase,string> '


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
    interface IBase
        string GetName();
        IEnumerable<IBase> GetChildren();

    class Foo : IBase
        private string _Name;

        public Foo(string name)
            _Name = name;

        public string GetName()
            return _Name;

        public IEnumerable<IBase> GetChildren()
            var r = new List<IBase>();
            r.Add(new Foo("foo 1"));
            r.Add(new Foo("foo 2"));
            return r;

    class FooConsumer
        public string Consume1<T>(IEnumerable<T> objects, string template, Func<string, T, string> func) where T : IBase
            var s = "";
            foreach (var o in objects)
                s += func(template, o);
            return s;
        public string Consume2<T>(IEnumerable<T> objects, string template, Func<string, string, string> func) where T : IBase
            var s = "";
            foreach (var o in objects)
                s += func(template, o.GetName()) + "\n";
            return s;
        //Here if I don't cast each child as a T I get an error
        public string Consume1<T>(T parent_object, string template, Func<string, T, string> func) where T : IBase
            // return this.Consume1(parent_object.GetChildren(), template, func); //<-- UNCOMMENTING THIS WOULD NOT COMPILE
            return this.Consume1(parent_object.GetChildren().Select(c => (T)c), template, func);
        //Here I would expect it to behave identically, but instead I don't get an Error and code compiles fine.
        //How can the last parameter be affecting the first parameter?!
        public string Consume2<T>(T parent_object, string template, Func<string, string, string> func) where T : IBase
            return this.Consume2(parent_object.GetChildren(), template, func); //<-- THIS CALL DOES NOT DO THE CAST BUT COMPILES JUST FINE!!!


    static void Main(string[] args)
        FooConsumer fc = new FooConsumer();
        Foo f = new Foo("parent");

        Func<string, IBase, string> func1 = (template, node) =>
            string.Format(template, node.GetName());

        Func<string, string, string> func2 = (template, name) =>
            string.Format(template, name);

        string s1 = fc.Consume1(f, "<li>{0}</li>", func1);

        string s2 = fc.Consume2(f, "<li>{0}</li>", func2);

        Console.WriteLine("Executing first:");
        Console.WriteLine("Executing second:");



根據IBase接口, GetChildren方法始終返回IBase實例,而不是T實例。 您對T有一個約束,它迫使每個T都實現IBase ,但是實現IBase都不能屬於T類型。


class Foo : IBase<Foo> { /*...*/ }



public void Test()
    Method1(new Foo("lol"));
    // Same as 
    // Method1<Foo>(new Foo("lol"));

public void Method1<T>(T parent) where T : IBase
    // Same as :
    // Method1<IBase>(parent.GetChildren());
    // since GetChildren() returns IEnumerable<IBase>, not IEnumerable<Foo>

public void Method1<T>(IEnumerable<T> children) where T : IBase



//Here if I don't cast each child as a T I get an error
public string Consume1<T>(T parent_object, string template, Func<string, T, string> func) where T : IBase
  return this.Consume1((IEnumerable<T>)parent_object.GetChildren(), template, func); //<-- UNCOMMENTING THIS WOULD NOT COMPILE


羅曼(Romain)感謝您的帖子。 它確實可以解釋並可能回答該問題,但是我想更明確地遍歷該問題,作為對我和讀者的一種執行。


//parent.GetChildren() returns a IEnumerable<IBase> 
F1<T1>(T1 parent, Func<string, T1, string> func) where T1: IBase

   //This does not work
   F1<T1>(parent.GetChildren(), func);
   //This would work instead:
   //F1<T1>((IEnumerable<T1>)parent.GetChildren()), func);
//Note: I changed the generic type names to T1 and T2 since they are 
//two different Types as far as the compiler is concerned.
//Using for both T may yield to the false assumption that they must be 
//of the same type.
F1<T2>(IEnumerable<T2> children, Func<string, T2, string> func) where T2: IBase
  /* implementation */

當編譯器分析函數調用F1<T1>(parent.GetChildren(), func); 它必須推斷出T2的類型。

T2必須為IBase類型,因為parent.GetChildren()顯式返回IEnumerable<IBase> 相反,第三個參數是一個來自調用函數的第三個參數( Func<string, T1, string> func )的Func<string, T1, string> func 該參數對T1的唯一約束是實現IBase。 因此,據編譯器所知,T1可以為任何類型,而在此階段它要求其為IBase類型,並且不再根據傳遞給第一個函數的任何參數進行推斷。


另外:同樣在F1<T1>(parent.GetChildren(), func); F1<T1>將與第一個參數的類型沖突。

實際上,在我在初始線程中發布的完整代碼示例中, Consume2起作用的原因僅在於,它始終將內部調用函數的類型推斷為IBase。 參見注釋代碼:

 public string Consume2<T>(T parent_object, string template, Func<string, string, string> func) where T : IBase
     //return this.Consume2<T>(parent_object.GetChildren(), template, func); // Errors: T conflicts with the first parameter generic type    
     //return this.Consume2<IBase>(parent_object.GetChildren(), template, func); // Works: Explicitly setting the type 
     return this.Consume2(parent_object.GetChildren(), template, func); // Works: The type is inferred from the first parameter only 


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