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在NHibernate IInterceptor中保存對象

[英]saving objects in NHibernate IInterceptor

我在域模型中為ILoggable對象設置了一個IInterceptor。 在OnFlushDirty事件上,我正在嘗試保存日志(審核)。 但是在執行此操作時,我的代碼進入了無限循環。



public override bool OnFlushDirty(object entity, object id, object[] currentState, object[] previousState, string[] propertyNames, NHibernate.Type.IType[] types)
      //find diffs, log each change
      if (entity is ILoggable && entity is NamedEntity)
        var namedEntity = entity as NamedEntity;
        for (var i = 0; i < currentState.Count(); i++)
          if (currentState[i] != previousState[i])
            var log = new Log()
                          Description = "update",
                          InDate = namedEntity.ModifiedDate.Value,
                          ItemId = namedEntity.Id,
                          ItemType = namedEntity.GetType().Name,
                          NewValue = currentState[i].ToString(),
                          OldValue = previousState[i].ToString(),
                          PropertyName = propertyNames[i],
                          UserId = namedEntity.ModifiedByUserId.Value

            // calling save calls onflushdirty again, where entity is not log, but the same entity of the first call
      return base.OnFlushDirty(entity, id, currentState, previousState, propertyNames, types);

好的,我知道了,我的問題是_logrepository.Save(log)正在打開另一個交易並提交它。 因此,我更改了logrepository.Save(log)而不是打開並提交另一個事務,而是使用一個打開的事務。


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