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如何使用 HttpWebRequest 進行摘要式身份驗證?

[英]How can I do digest authentication with HttpWebRequest?

我發現各種文章( 12 )使這看起來很簡單:

WebRequest request = HttpWebRequest.Create(url);

var credentialCache = new CredentialCache();
  new Uri(url), // request url
  "Digest", // authentication type
  new NetworkCredential("user", "password") // credentials

request.Credentials = credentialCache;

但是,這僅適用於沒有 URL 參數的 URL。 例如,我可以下載http://example.com/test/xyz.html就好了,但是當我嘗試下載http://example.com/test?page=xyz時,結果是一條 400 Bad Request 消息在服務器日志中包含以下內容(運行 Apache 2.2):

Digest: uri mismatch - </test> does not match request-uri </test?page=xyz>

我的第一個想法是摘要規范要求從摘要散列中刪除 URL 參數——但是從傳遞給credentialCache.Add()的 URL 中刪除參數並沒有改變任何事情。 所以它一定是相反的,.NET 框架中的某個地方錯誤地從 URL 中刪除了參數。

你說你刪除了查詢字符串參數,但你是否嘗試一直回到主機? 我見過的每個CredentialsCache.Add()的例子似乎只使用主機,而CredentialsCache.Add()的文檔將Uri參數列為“uriPrefix”,這似乎在說明。


Uri uri = new Uri(url);
WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(uri);

var credentialCache = new CredentialCache(); 
  new Uri(uri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority)), // request url's host
  "Digest",  // authentication type 
  new NetworkCredential("user", "password") // credentials 

request.Credentials = credentialCache;





using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;

namespace NUI
    public class DigestAuthFixer
        private static string _host;
        private static string _user;
        private static string _password;
        private static string _realm;
        private static string _nonce;
        private static string _qop;
        private static string _cnonce;
        private static DateTime _cnonceDate;
        private static int _nc;

    public DigestAuthFixer(string host, string user, string password)
        // TODO: Complete member initialization
        _host = host;
        _user = user;
        _password = password;

    private string CalculateMd5Hash(
        string input)
        var inputBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input);
        var hash = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(inputBytes);
        var sb = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (var b in hash)
        return sb.ToString();

    private string GrabHeaderVar(
        string varName,
        string header)
        var regHeader = new Regex(string.Format(@"{0}=""([^""]*)""", varName));
        var matchHeader = regHeader.Match(header);
        if (matchHeader.Success)
            return matchHeader.Groups[1].Value;
        throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Header {0} not found", varName));

    private string GetDigestHeader(
        string dir)
        _nc = _nc + 1;

        var ha1 = CalculateMd5Hash(string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", _user, _realm, _password));
        var ha2 = CalculateMd5Hash(string.Format("{0}:{1}", "GET", dir));
        var digestResponse =
            CalculateMd5Hash(string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2:00000000}:{3}:{4}:{5}", ha1, _nonce, _nc, _cnonce, _qop, ha2));

        return string.Format("Digest username=\"{0}\", realm=\"{1}\", nonce=\"{2}\", uri=\"{3}\", " +
            "algorithm=MD5, response=\"{4}\", qop={5}, nc={6:00000000}, cnonce=\"{7}\"",
            _user, _realm, _nonce, dir, digestResponse, _qop, _nc, _cnonce);

    public string GrabResponse(
        string dir)
        var url = _host + dir;
        var uri = new Uri(url);

        var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);

        // If we've got a recent Auth header, re-use it!
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_cnonce) &&
            DateTime.Now.Subtract(_cnonceDate).TotalHours < 1.0)
            request.Headers.Add("Authorization", GetDigestHeader(dir));

        HttpWebResponse response;
            response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
        catch (WebException ex)
            // Try to fix a 401 exception by adding a Authorization header
            if (ex.Response == null || ((HttpWebResponse)ex.Response).StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)

            var wwwAuthenticateHeader = ex.Response.Headers["WWW-Authenticate"];
            _realm = GrabHeaderVar("realm", wwwAuthenticateHeader);
            _nonce = GrabHeaderVar("nonce", wwwAuthenticateHeader);
            _qop = GrabHeaderVar("qop", wwwAuthenticateHeader);

            _nc = 0;
            _cnonce = new Random().Next(123400, 9999999).ToString();
            _cnonceDate = DateTime.Now;

            var request2 = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);
            request2.Headers.Add("Authorization", GetDigestHeader(dir));
            response = (HttpWebResponse)request2.GetResponse();
        var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
        return reader.ReadToEnd();



DigestAuthFixer digest = new DigestAuthFixer(domain, username, password);
string strReturn = digest.GrabResponse(dir);

如果網址是: http//xyz.rss.com/folder/rss然后域名: http//xyz.rss.com (域名部分)目錄:/文件夾/ rss(網址的其余部分)

您也可以將其作為流返回並使用XmlDocument Load()方法。


    BrowserMatch "MSIE" AuthDigestEnableQueryStringHack=On 

更多信息: http//httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_auth_digest.html#msie


    request.UserAgent = "MSIE"


我認為第二個URL指向動態頁面,您應首先使用GET調用它來獲取HTML然后下載它。 雖然沒有這方面的經驗。

在早期的答案中,每個人都使用過時的 WEbREquest.Create 方法。 所以這是我的異步解決方案,最新的趨勢是什么:

public async Task<string> LoadHttpPageWithDigestAuthentication(string url, string username, string password)
        Uri myUri = new Uri(url);
        NetworkCredential myNetworkCredential = new NetworkCredential(username, password);
        CredentialCache myCredentialCache = new CredentialCache { { myUri, "Digest", myNetworkCredential } };
        var request = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler() { Credentials = myCredentialCache, PreAuthenticate = true});

        var response = await request.GetAsync(url);

        var responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

        StreamReader responseStreamReader = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.Default);

        string answer = await responseStreamReader.ReadToEndAsync();

        return answer;


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