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[英]How do I validate an Australian Medicare number?




(最好用 Javascript 或正則表達式來回答。)

Jeffrey Kemp(3 月 11 日)提供的正則表達式將有助於驗證允許的字符,但下面的檢查算法應該足以驗證數字是否符合 Medicare 的規則。

Medicare 卡號包括:

  • 八位數字;
  • 一個校驗位(一位);
  • 問題編號(一位)。

注意:Medicare 卡號的第一位數字應在 2 到 6 之間。


  1. 計算總和:((digit 1) + (digit 2 * 3) + (digit 3 * 7) + (digit 4 * 9) + (digit 5) + (digit 6 * 3) + (digit 7 * 7) +(數字 8 * 9))

其中第 1 位是 Medicare 卡號的最高位值數字,第 8 位是 Medicare 卡號的最低位值位。

示例:對於 Medicare 卡號“2123 45670 1”,數字 1 為 2,數字 8 為 7。

  1. 將計算出的總和除以 10。
  2. 校驗位是余數。

示例:對於 Medicare 卡號 2123 4567。

  1. (2) + (1 * 3) + (2 * 7) + (3 * 9) + (4) + (5 * 3) + (6 * 7) + (7 * 9) = 170
  2. 170 除以 10,余數為 0。
  3. 此 Medicare 號碼的校驗位是 0。

來源:“在健康軟件系統中使用醫療保健標識符 - 軟件一致性要求,版本 1.4”,NEHTA,3/05/2011

如果您正在尋找 C# 版本,請嘗試一下:

using System.Linq;


public bool IsMedicareFormatValid(string medicareNumber)
    if (!(medicareNumber?.Length >= 10 && medicareNumber.Length <12) || !medicareNumber.All(char.IsDigit))
        return false;

    var digits = medicareNumber.Select(c => (int) char.GetNumericValue(c)).ToArray();
    return digits[8] == GetMedicareChecksum(digits.Take(8).ToArray());

private int GetMedicareChecksum(int[] digits)
    return digits.Zip(new[] { 1, 3, 7, 9, 1, 3, 7, 9 }, (m, d) => m*d).Sum() % 10;

注意:對於空值,這將返回 false,您可能想要拋出異常。


  1. 醫療保險卡中的前 9 個數字將對應於實際醫療保險編號(用於支票)。
  2. 第 9 位是在GetMedicareChecksum方法中計算的校驗位。
  3. 第 10 位數字標識卡的編號,因此如果您已獲得 3 張卡(因為您丟失或其他原因),則編號為 3
  4. 第 11 位數字將標識組內的家庭成員。


這是一個 Typescript 或現代 Javascript 解決方案:

  validateMedicare(medicare) {
    let isValid = false;

    if (medicare && medicare.length === 10) {
      const matches = medicare.match(/^(\d{8})(\d)/);

      if (!matches) {
        return { invalid: true };

      const base = matches[1];
      const checkDigit = matches[2];
      const weights = [1, 3, 7, 9, 1, 3, 7, 9];

      let sum = 0;
      for (let i = 0; i < weights.length; i++) {
        sum += parseInt(base[i], 10) * weights[i];

      isValid = sum % 10 === parseInt(checkDigit, 10);

    return isValid;


要進行測試,請在此處生成醫療保險編號: https : //precedencehealthcare.com/rmig/

添加了 Swift 版本

class func isMedicareValid(input : String, validateWithIrn : Bool) -> Bool {
    let multipliers = [1, 3, 7, 9, 1, 3, 7, 9]

    let pattern = "^(\\d{8})(\\d)"
    let medicareNumber = input.removeWhitespace()
    let length = validateWithIrn ? 11 : 10

    if medicareNumber.characters.count != length {return false}

    let expression = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern, options: NSRegularExpressionOptions.CaseInsensitive)

    let matches = expression.matchesInString(medicareNumber, options: NSMatchingOptions.ReportProgress, range: NSMakeRange(0, length))

    if (matches.count > 0 && matches[0].numberOfRanges > 2) {
        let base = medicareNumber.substringWithRange(medicareNumber.startIndex...medicareNumber.startIndex.advancedBy(matches[0].rangeAtIndex(1).length))
        let checkDigitStartIndex = medicareNumber.startIndex.advancedBy(matches[0].rangeAtIndex(2).location )
        let checkDigitEndIndex = checkDigitStartIndex.advancedBy(matches[0].rangeAtIndex(2).length)
        let checkDigit = medicareNumber.substringWithRange(checkDigitStartIndex..<checkDigitEndIndex)
        var total = 0

        for i in 0..<multipliers.count {
            total += Int(base.charAtIndex(i))! * multipliers[i]

         return (total % 10) == Int(checkDigit)
    return false


extension String {

func charAtIndex (index: Int) -> String{
    var character = ""
    if (index < self.characters.count){
        let locationStart = self.startIndex.advancedBy(index)
        let locationEnd = self.startIndex.advancedBy(index + 1 )
        character = self.substringWithRange(locationStart..<locationEnd)
    return character

func replace(string:String, replacement:String) -> String {
    return self.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(string, withString: replacement, options: NSStringCompareOptions.LiteralSearch, range: nil)

func removeWhitespace() -> String {
    return self.replace(" ", replacement: "")

添加了 Java 版本

public static boolean isMedicareValid(String input, boolean validateWithIRN){
    int[] multipliers = new int[]{1, 3, 7, 9, 1, 3, 7, 9};
    String pattern = "^(\\d{8})(\\d)";
    String medicareNumber = input.replace(" " , "");
    int length = validateWithIRN ? 11 : 10;

    if (medicareNumber.length() != length) {return false;}

    Pattern medicatePattern = Pattern.compile(pattern);
    Matcher matcher = medicatePattern.matcher(medicareNumber);

    if (matcher.find()){

        String base = matcher.group(1);
        String checkDigit = matcher.group(2);

        int total = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < multipliers.length; i++){
            total += base.charAt(i) * multipliers[i];

        return ((total % 10) == Integer.parseInt(checkDigit));

    return false;


我的澳大利亞醫療保險號碼是 11 位數字,不包含字母或其他字符。


  • 我: 5101 20591 8-1
  • 老婆: 5101 20591 8-2
  • 我的第一個孩子: 5101 20591 8-3


我還看到了不需要或不應該輸入最后一位數字的上下文; 例如5101205918 ,我猜他們只對整個家庭感興趣。


^\d{4}[ ]?\d{5}[ ]?\d{1}[- ]?\d?$


根據 user2247167 的回答中的邏輯,我在我的 Apex 應用程序中使用了以下 PL/SQL 函數來向用戶發出用戶友好的警告:

FUNCTION validate_medicare_no (i_medicare_no IN VARCHAR2)
  v_digit1 CHAR(1);
  v_digit2 CHAR(1);
  v_digit3 CHAR(1);
  v_digit4 CHAR(1);
  v_digit5 CHAR(1);
  v_digit6 CHAR(1);
  v_digit7 CHAR(1);
  v_digit8 CHAR(1);
  v_check  CHAR(1);
  v_result NUMBER;
  IF NOT REGEXP_LIKE(i_medicare_no, '^\d{10}\d?{2}$') THEN
    RETURN 'Must be 10-12 digits, no spaces or other characters';
    v_digit1 := SUBSTR(i_medicare_no, 1, 1);
    IF v_digit1 NOT IN ('2','3','4','5','6') THEN
      RETURN 'Not a valid Medicare number - please check and re-enter';
      v_digit2 := SUBSTR(i_medicare_no, 2, 1);
      v_digit3 := SUBSTR(i_medicare_no, 3, 1);
      v_digit4 := SUBSTR(i_medicare_no, 4, 1);
      v_digit5 := SUBSTR(i_medicare_no, 5, 1);
      v_digit6 := SUBSTR(i_medicare_no, 6, 1);
      v_digit7 := SUBSTR(i_medicare_no, 7, 1);
      v_digit8 := SUBSTR(i_medicare_no, 8, 1);
      v_check  := SUBSTR(i_medicare_no, 9, 1);
      v_result := mod(   to_number(v_digit1)
                      + (to_number(v_digit2) * 3)
                      + (to_number(v_digit3) * 7)
                      + (to_number(v_digit4) * 9)
                      +  to_number(v_digit5)
                      + (to_number(v_digit6) * 3)
                      + (to_number(v_digit7) * 7)
                      + (to_number(v_digit8) * 9)
      IF TO_NUMBER(v_check) != v_result THEN
        RETURN 'Not a valid Medicare number - please check and re-enter';
      END IF;
    END IF;
  -- no error
END validate_medicare_no;

接受的答案,適用於 JavaScript:

var validator = function (input, validateWithIrn) {
    if (!input) {
        return false;

    var medicareNumber;
    var pattern;
    var length;
    var matches;
    var base;
    var checkDigit;
    var total;
    var multipliers;
    var isValid;

    pattern = /^(\d{8})(\d)/;
    medicareNumber = input.toString().replace(/ /g, '');
    length = validateWithIrn ? 11 : 10;

    if (medicareNumber.length === length) {
        matches = pattern.exec(medicareNumber);
        if (matches) {
            base = matches[1];
            checkDigit = matches[2];
            total = 0;
            multipliers = [1, 3, 7, 9, 1, 3, 7, 9];

            for (var i = 0; i < multipliers.length; i++) {
                total += base[i] * multipliers[i];

            isValid = (total % 10) === Number(checkDigit);
        } else {
            isValid = false;
    } else {
        isValid = false;

    return isValid;







public string MedicareNo { get; set; }


public class AustralianMedicareNumberOnlyAttribute : ValidationAttribute
    private string exampleNumber = "Example: 2234 56789 1-2";

    public AustralianMedicareNumberOnlyAttribute()
        ErrorMessage = string.Concat("{0} is not in correct format, ", exampleNumber);

    protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
        if (value != null)
            string objectValueString;
            int[] checksumDigits = new int[] { 1, 3, 7, 9, 1, 3, 7, 9 };
            int checksumDigit;
            int checksumtotal = 0;
            int checksumDigitCalculated;

            //convert incomming object value to string
            objectValueString = Convert.ToString(value).Trim();

            // check medicare number format should be 1234 56789 1-2
            if (!Regex.IsMatch(objectValueString, @"^[2-6]\d{3}\s\d{5}\s\d{1}-\d{1}$"))
                return new ValidationResult(FormatErrorMessage(validationContext.DisplayName));
                //Check checksum value

                // replace two spaces and one dash
                objectValueString = objectValueString.Replace(" ", "").Replace("-", "");

                // Calculate the sum of: ((digit 1) + (digit 2 * 3) + (digit 3 * 7) + (digit 4 * 9) + (digit 5) + (digit 6 * 3) + (digit 7 * 7) + (digit 8 * 9))
                for (int i = 0; i < checksumDigits.Length; i++)
                    int digit = Convert.ToInt32(objectValueString.Substring(i, 1));

                    checksumtotal += digit * checksumDigits[i];

                //find out checksum digit
                checksumDigit = Convert.ToInt32(objectValueString.Substring(8, 1));
                checksumDigitCalculated = checksumtotal % 10;

                // check calculated checksum with medicare checksum digit
                if (checksumDigit!= checksumDigitCalculated)
                    return new ValidationResult("The Medicare Number is not Valid.");



        return ValidationResult.Success;

添加了 Dart 版本:

bool isMedicareValid(String input, {bool validateWithIrn = true}) {
  final medicareNumber = input.replaceAll(" ", "");
  final length = validateWithIrn ? 11 : 10;

  if (medicareNumber.length != length) {
    return false;

  final multipliers = [1, 3, 7, 9, 1, 3, 7, 9];
  final regexp = RegExp("^(\\d{8})(\\d)", caseSensitive: false);

  final matches = regexp.allMatches(medicareNumber).toList();

  if (matches.length > 0 && matches[0].groupCount >= 2) {
    final base = matches[0].group(1);
    final checkDigit = matches[0].group(2);
    var total = Iterable.generate(multipliers.length)
        .fold(0, (current, index) => current += (int.tryParse(base[index]) * multipliers[index]));

    return (total % 10) == int.parse(checkDigit);
  return false;

另一個帶有注釋的 Swift 實現:

func validateMedicareNumber(input: String) -> Bool {
    let weights = [1, 3, 7, 9, 1, 3, 7, 9]

    // Remove all whitespace
    var trimmed = input.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
        .components(separatedBy: .whitespaces)

    // The medicare card number has 8 digits identifier + 1 digit checksum + 1 digit issue number.
    // Either 9 or 10 numbers will be valid
    guard trimmed.count == 9 || trimmed.count == 10 else {
        return false

    // Drop the issue number if it was added
    if trimmed.count == 10 {
        trimmed = String(trimmed.dropLast())

    // The last digit is a checksum
    guard let lastElement = trimmed.last,
        let checkSum = Int(String(lastElement)) else {
        return false

    // Remove the checksum from our input
    trimmed = String(trimmed.dropLast())

    // Multiply the numbers by weights
    let weightedNumbers: [Int] = trimmed.enumerated().map { index, element in
        guard let number = Int(String(element)) else {
            // -1 will throw the calculations out of the window which
            // will guarantee invalid checksum
            return -1

        return number * weights[index]

    // Validate the weighted numbers against the checksum
    return weightedNumbers.reduce(0, +) % 10 == checkSum

如果您需要用於開發的測試卡號,請使用此卡號。 這是給約翰·多伊的

測試卡號 > 2428 77813 2/1

擴展Daniel Ormeño 的答案,對於 asp.net,您可以將支票放入一個屬性中並在模型中裝飾該屬性

public class MedicareValidation : ValidationAttribute
    public override bool IsValid(object value)
        string medicareNumber = value.ToString();

        if (!(medicareNumber?.Length >= 10 && medicareNumber.Length < 12) || !medicareNumber.All(char.IsDigit))
            return false;

        var digits = medicareNumber.Select(c => (int)char.GetNumericValue(c)).ToArray();
        return digits[8] == GetMedicareChecksum(digits.Take(8).ToArray());

    private int GetMedicareChecksum(int[] digits)
        return digits.Zip(new[] { 1, 3, 7, 9, 1, 3, 7, 9 }, (m, d) => m * d).Sum() % 10;


[DisplayName("Medicare Number")]  
public string MedicareNumber {get; set;}

這是一個 Python 版本! 請注意,它需要一個完整的 11 位醫療保險號碼。 如果您要驗證 10 位醫療保險號碼而沒有個人參考號碼,則需要調整re.match行中的正則表達式。

def validate_medicare_number(medicare_number: str) -> bool:
    """Given a string containing a medicare number, return True if valid,
    False if invalid.

    >>> validate_medicare_number("2428 77813 2/1")
    >>> validate_medicare_number("7428 77818 2/1")
    >>> validate_medicare_number("2428 77815 2/1")

    # See here for checksum algorithm:
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/15823818
    # https://clearwater.com.au/code/medicare

    # Remove whitespace
    medicare_number = re.sub(r"[^\d]+", "", medicare_number)
    if re.match(r"^[2-6]\d{10}$", medicare_number):

        medicare_digits = list(map(int, medicare_number))
        checksum_weights = (1, 3, 7, 9) * 2
        digit_weight_pairs = zip(medicare_digits, checksum_weights)
        checksum = sum([digit * weight for digit, weight in digit_weight_pairs]) % 10

        return checksum == medicare_digits[8]
        return False

微軟 SQL Server 2017

假設輸入的醫療保險號是干凈的。 驗證10 位醫療保險號碼。 不包括參考編號。

if object_id('dbo.validate_medicare') is not null 
    drop function dbo.validate_medicare;

create function dbo.validate_medicare(@medicareNumber varchar(max)) 
returns int 

    if len(@medicareNumber) <> 10
        return 0;

    if isnumeric(@medicareNumber) = 0
        return 0;

    declare @count as int = 0;
    declare @firstDigit as int = cast(substring(@medicareNumber, 1, 1) as int);

    if @firstDigit not between 2 and 6
        return 0;

    declare @actualCheckDigit as int = cast(substring(@medicareNumber, 9, 1) as int);
    declare @computedCheckDigit as int;
    declare @weight as int = 1;
    declare @tempStuff table (
        digit int,
        weight int
    declare @isValid as int;

    while @count < len(substring(@medicareNumber, 1, 8))
        declare @selected_digit as int = substring(@medicareNumber, @count+1, 1);

        if @weight > 9
            set @weight = 1;

        insert into @tempStuff(digit, weight) values (@selected_digit, @weight);
        set @weight = @weight + 2;

        if @weight = 5
            set @weight = @weight + 2;

        set @count = @count + 1;

    -- Set the computed Check digit 
    select @computedCheckDigit = (sum(digit * weight)) % 10 from @tempStuff;

    -- Check if computed check digit equals the actual check digit
    set @isValid = case 
                        when @computedCheckDigit = @actualCheckDigit
                            then 1 
                        else 0 

    return @isValid;


declare @medicareNumber as varchar(11) = '2123456701';
select dbo.validate_medicare(@medicareNumber) as IsValid;

您可以使用簡單的正則表達式驗證: .replace(/\\W/gi, "") .replace(/(.{4})(.{5})/g, "$1 $2 ");

在此處查看我的示例: codeandbox.io


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