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[英]WPF: Add a dropshadow effect to an element from code-behind

我覺得這會很簡單,但到目前為止我什么都沒發現。 你怎么做呢?

接受的答案現在已經過時了。 現在您可以使用:

UIElement uie = ...
uie.Effect = 
    new DropShadowEffect
        Color = new Color {A = 255, R = 255, G = 255, B = 0},
        Direction = 320,
        ShadowDepth = 0,
        Opacity = 1



// Get a reference to the Button.
Button myButton = new Button();

// Initialize a new DropShadowBitmapEffect that will be applied
// to the Button.
DropShadowBitmapEffect myDropShadowEffect  = new DropShadowBitmapEffect();
// Set the color of the shadow to Black.
Color myShadowColor = new Color();
myShadowColor.ScA = 1;
myShadowColor.ScB  = 0;
myShadowColor.ScG  = 0;
myShadowColor.ScR  = 0;
myDropShadowEffect.Color = myShadowColor;

// Set the direction of where the shadow is cast to 320 degrees.
myDropShadowEffect.Direction = 320; 

// Set the depth of the shadow being cast.
myDropShadowEffect.ShadowDepth = 25; 

// Set the shadow softness to the maximum (range of 0-1).
myDropShadowEffect.Softness = 1;
// Set the shadow opacity to half opaque or in other words - half transparent.
// The range is 0-1.
myDropShadowEffect.Opacity = 0.5; 

// Apply the bitmap effect to the Button.
myButton.BitmapEffect = myDropShadowEffect; 

@ Gleno的回答對我幫助最大。 在我的情況下,我使用它來對錯過的表單項進行視覺反饋。 然后刪除我使用的陰影:



希望這有助於某人。 我不得不搜索一下。


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