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[英]C# method from derived class as delegate in base constructor

為什么以下C#不合法? 是否存在正確的解決方法?

public class Base
    public Base(Func<double> func) { }

public class Derived : Base
    public Derived() : base(() => Method()) <-- compiler: Cannot access non-static method 'Method' in static context

    public double Method() { return 1.0; }


如果你的代表真的不需要訪問this (你的樣本沒有),你可以讓它靜態。 您還可以使用方法組轉換使其更簡單:

public class Base
    public Base(Func<double> func)
        double result = func();

public class Derived : Base
    public Derived() : base(Method)

    public static double Method() { return 1.0; }


  • 使其成為虛擬方法,而不是調用委托
  • 使它成為一個靜態方法,它采用適當的實例,例如

     public class Base { public Base(Func<Base, double> func) { double result = func(this); } } public class Derived : Base { public Derived() : base(x => Method(x)) { } private static double Method(Base b) { // The documentation would state that the method would only be called // from Base using "this" as the first argument Derived d = (Derived) b; } } 


public class Base {
   protected Func<double> DoubleFunc { get; set; }

   protected Base() {
      // defer initialization by not setting DoubleFunc
      // or another possibility is to set it to a dummy function:
      DoubleFunc = () => 0;

   public Base(Func<double> func) {
      DoubleFunc = func;

public class Derived : Base {
   public Derived() {
      DoubleFunc = Method;

   public double Method() { return 1.0; }

基本上,您會收到編譯器錯誤,因為您在沒有類Derived實例的情況下引用了instance-method Method 調用base ,構造函數尚未完成,您還沒有類的實例。 如果你做Method static它會工作得很好。

您是否嘗試過編譯器指示的Method()靜態? 問題是Derived的實例在構造函數返回之后才可用,因此您無法在其上調用實例方法。


我無法解釋為什么這不起作用的技術原因,但實際上你試圖在一個尚不存在的實例上調用一個方法。 怎么可能有用呢?


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