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[英]Does C# have an equivalent of Delphi's message keyword?


const MY_MESSAGE = WM_USER+100;
procedure MyMessage(var Msg: TMessage); message MY_MESSAGE;

procedure TForm1.MyMessage(var Msg: TMessage);


public static uint ms;
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
 if(m.Msg == ms) 
    base.WndProc(ref m);        

void Button1Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


我怎樣才能做到這一點? 謝謝。

這是Delphi的一個特殊功能,它在C#中沒有類似功能。 在C#中,您需要覆蓋WndProc()

看起來非常相似的東西可以使用.NET反射和自定義屬性來完成。 我認為性能可以用於生產,但不值得,因為這仍然需要重寫WndProc來調用自定義調度程序,並且一旦WndProc到位,它需要一行代碼來調用自定義調度程序或3行用於編寫正確的switch語句的代碼。 如果從“基礎”類調用代碼,那么繼承它可能是值得的。

萬一你想知道,我這樣做是因為我是C#+ .NET並且很好奇可以做些什么。


public partial class Form1 : Form
    private const int WM_MOUSEMOVE = 0x0200;

    // This is the Delphi-lookalike declaration for the WM_MOUSEMOVE handler.
    // I'd say it looks very much "alike!"
    public bool UnHandler(ref Message X)
        this.Text = "Movement";
        return false;

    // While simple, this is unfortunately a deal-breaker. If you need to go through the
    // trouble of writing this stub WndProc, might as well write a proper switch statement
    // and call the handler directly.
    protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
        if (!WinMessageDispatcher.Dispatch(this, ref m)) base.WndProc(ref m);

而這里是“管道”。 實現了代碼來識別所有的窗口消息處理函數,是更多代碼(基於自定義屬性)和緩存中的所有這些結果使用幾個詞典(這樣繁重工作只需做一次)。

// Custom attribute to set message ID
class WinMessageHandler : System.Attribute
    public int Msg;
    public WinMessageHandler(int Msg) { this.Msg = Msg; }

class WinMessageDispatcher

    // This is cached for the life of the application, it holds the required per-type
    // dispatching information.
    private class WinMessageDispatcher_PerType
        private Dictionary<int, System.Reflection.MethodInfo> dict;

        // generic handler
        public bool HandleMessage(object OnInstance, ref Message msg)
            System.Reflection.MethodInfo method;
            if (dict.TryGetValue(msg.Msg, out method))
                // Set up the call
                object[] p = new object[1];
                p[0] = msg;
                return (bool)method.Invoke(OnInstance, p);
                msg = p[0];
                return false;

        // Constructor, initializes the "dict"
        public WinMessageDispatcher_PerType(Type t)
            dict = new Dictionary<int, System.Reflection.MethodInfo>();
            foreach (var method in t.GetMethods())
                var attribs = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(WinMessageHandler), true);
                if (attribs.Length > 0)
                    // Check return type
                    if (method.ReturnParameter.ParameterType != typeof(bool)) throw new Exception(string.Format("{0} doesn't return bool", method.Name));

                    // Check method parameters
                    var param = method.GetParameters();
                    if (param.Length != 1) throw new Exception(string.Format("{0} doesn't take 1 parameter", method.Name));
                    // Ooops! How do I check the TYPE of the "ref" parameter?
                    if (!param[0].ParameterType.IsByRef) throw new Exception(string.Format("{0} doesn't take a ref parameter of type System.Windows.Forms.Message but a parameter of type {1}", method.Name, param[0].ParameterType.ToString()));

                    // Add the method to the dictionary
                    dict.Add(((WinMessageHandler)attribs[0]).Msg, method);

    // Dictionary to link "Types" to per-type cached implementations
    private static Dictionary<Type, WinMessageDispatcher_PerType> dict;

    // Static type initializer
    static WinMessageDispatcher()
        dict = new Dictionary<Type, WinMessageDispatcher_PerType>();

    // Message dispatcher
    public static bool Dispatch(object ObjInstance, ref Message msg)
        if (ObjInstance == null) return false;
            WinMessageDispatcher_PerType PerType;
            lock (dict)
                if (!dict.TryGetValue(ObjInstance.GetType(), out PerType))
                    PerType = new WinMessageDispatcher_PerType(ObjInstance.GetType());
                    dict.Add(ObjInstance.GetType(), PerType);
            return PerType.HandleMessage(ObjInstance, ref msg);



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