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嵌套 static class C#

[英]Nested static class C#

我想知道我是否可以獲得 object ,它稱為 static 方法的 static ZA2F2ED4F8EBC0CAB61C21A29

public class Person
    private static class TelephoneLine
        public static string sharedString = string.Empty;
        public static void NotifyOnCall()
            //notify if someone call this person
        public static void Comunicate(Person comunicateWith, string message)
            sharedString = "Sender: " /* Object which called that method */ + " To: " + comunicateWith.Name +
                           " said: " + message;
    public Person(string name)
        Name = name;
    string Name;
    public void CallTo(Person person, string message)
        TelephoneLine.Comunicate(person, message);
    public void ShowCall()


那么除了在 ThelephoneLine.Comunicate(this, comunicateWith, msg) 的參數中傳遞它之外,還有沒有可能獲得“Sender”?

可以使用堆棧爬行(前提是您防止 static 方法被內聯),但這通常是個壞主意。


如果可以的話,出於調試目的這樣做。 這樣做是因為您懶得將其顯式寫入您的正常程序流程中,這是非常糟糕的設計。 所以在你的情況下,我強烈建議手動傳遞它。

有點離題,但我很確定你的課程不應該是 static。 Static 方法適用於簡單的無副作用函數(有關好的示例,請參見MathEnumerable )。 您的TelephoneLine至少應該是 Singleton,但 IMO 您應該簡單地使用依賴注入並注入它的單個實例。

簡單回答是不。 許多 .NET 自己的事件(WinForms 或 ASP 中的 Clicked 等)要求您傳遞“發送者”參數。

您可以查看堆棧以獲取方法的名稱,甚至可能是調用者的類型,但您肯定無法獲取調用 function 的特定 object。


通用解決方案可能對嵌套的私有服務 class 來說太過分了,但您可能希望擴展以后可以撥打電話並將其公開的內容,例如自動服務調用等。

public interface ICallable { string CallerIdString(); }

public class Person : ICallable
    private static class TelephoneLine
        public static string sharedString = string.Empty;
        public static void NotifyOnCall()
            //notify if someone call this person
        public static void Comunicate<TCaller>(TCaller Caller, Person comunicateWith, string message) where TCaller : ICallable
            sharedString = "Sender: " + Caller.CallerIdString() + " To: " + comunicateWith.Name +
                           " said: " + message;
    public Person(string name)
        Name = name;
    string Name;
    public void CallTo(Person person, string message)
        TelephoneLine.Comunicate<Person>(this, person, message);
    public void ShowCall()

    public string CallerIdString() { return this.Name;}

TelephoneLine class 不應該真正歸個人所有(它們歸電話公司所有。)並且它們真的不應該是 static(靜態 == 代碼氣味)。

class TelephoneLine
  public TelephoneLine (Person sender, Person receiver)
    m_sender = sender;
    m_receiver = receiver;

  public void Send (Person from, String message)
    if (from == sender)
       output "From: " + m_sender + " To: " + m_receiver + " Message: " + message;
       output "From: " + m_receiver + " To: " + m_sender + " Message: " + message;

  Person m_sender, m_receiver;

class Person
  public void MakeCall (Person receiver, string message)
     TelephoneLine line = new TelephoneLine (this, receiver);
     line.Send (this, message);

事實上,TelephoneLine object 應該歸其他人所有:

class Exchange
  public TelephoneLine MakeCall (Person from, Person to)
    // check that 'to' can receive call first!
    return new TelephoneLine (from, to);

class Person
  public void MakeCall (Person receiver, string message)
     TelephoneLine line = the_exchange.MakeCall (this, receiver);
     if (line != null)
       line.Send (this, message);
     // else, receiver not listening!


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