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[英]VB.Net how to use .FindAll in a List(of ) object?

我試過使用.Find()方法並且成功了。 但是我無法理解如何使用FindAll來接收匹配“靈活”關鍵字的所有項目(在我的情況下,這個關鍵字稱為ClassGuid)。

Public Class clsFindConnection
Private Delegate Function ConMatchDelegate(ByVal con As PropertyConnection, ByVal ClassGuid As String) As Boolean

    Public Function GetPropertyConnectionsByGuid(ByVal ClassGuid As String, ByVal LBaseConnections As List(Of PropertyConnection)) As List(Of PropertyConnection)
        Dim Res As List(Of PropertyConnection)
        Dim dl As New ConMatchDelegate(AddressOf ConnectionFromMatch)
        Res = LBaseConnections.FindAll(dl)'<-- ERROR. Can not work because delegate is only using a single item. 
        Return Res
    End Function

    Friend Function ConnectionFromMatch(ByVal con As PropertyConnection, ByVal ClassGuid As String) As Boolean
        If con.PaintPluginFrom Is Nothing Then Return False
        If con.PaintPluginFrom.Plugin Is Nothing Then Return False
        If con.PaintPluginFrom.Plugin.Guid = ClassGuid Then Return True
        Return False
    End Function
End Class



Res = LBaseConnections.FindAll(Function(con) ConnectionFromMatch(con, ClassGuid))


FindAll采用Predicate(Of T) (在你的情況下為Predicate(Of PropertyConnection) ),因此你不能將ConMatchDelegate傳遞給它,因為簽名不兼容。 所以我使用匿名方法創建了一個Predicate(Of PropertyConnection) 這可能更容易理解:

Dim filter As Predicate(Of PropertyConnection) = Function(con) ConnectionFromMatch(con, ClassGuid)
Res = LBaseConnections.FindAll(filter)


List類的FindAll方法采用謂詞 Predicate是一個專門的委托,它接受一個參數並返回一個布爾值。 因此,FindAll在內部對列表中的每個項進行迭代,哪個項滿足謂詞中定義的條件,將包含在結果中。

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<PropertyConnection> lstConn = new List<PropertyConnection>(){ 
                                                   new PropertyConnection() { Id = 10}, 
                                                   new PropertyConnection() { Id = 20 }, 
                                                   new PropertyConnection() { Id = 30 } };

            List<PropertyConnection> filtered = lstConn.FindAll(MyDelegate);
           // so filtered contains just one item with Id = 30 

        private static bool MyDelegate(PropertyConnection con) // your own delegate
            if (con.Id > 20)
                return true;
                return false;

    public class PropertyConnection // sample class
        public int Id;


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