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MonoTouch C# 和 Obj-C 混用?

[英]MonoTouch C# and Obj-C mixing?


所以現在我有了一個新想法,想知道它是否可能甚至值得實施。 Since the clear bottleneck in performance is from the physics processing which is based in .net, I was thinking, would it be possible to fit in an objective-c or C++ based physics engine (such as box2D) to interact with Mono?

例如,在 Mono 代碼中,我會執行 CreateBox() 之類的操作,但在幕后,盒子是在 Obj-C/C++ 中創建的。 或者,當我進行物理更新時,我只需在 Mono 中調用 function 並且首當其沖的工作發生在 Obj-C/C++



有兩種方法可以做到這一點,通過 C API 和 Objective-C ZDB974238714CA8DE634ACE14

With a C API, write your native code in C (or C++ with extern "C" ), compile your code into a static library, link your MonoTouch app against the static library , then use P/Invoke to access your C functions. 但是,與需要指定庫名稱的“普通”P/Invoke 不同,您需要指定"__Internal"作為庫名稱:

[DllImport ("__Internal")]
static extern void MethodInStaticLibrary ();

MonoTouch 使用相同的技術從例如System.dll調用到 MonoTouch 運行時。

使用 Objective-C 是相同但不同的。 Instead of a static library exporting a C ABI, you need a static library exporting an Objective-C ABI, link against the static library, then provide an API binding for your Objective-C library .


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