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如何在 System.Web.Routing / ASP.NET MVC 中匹配以文字波浪字符 (~) 開頭的 URL?

[英]How do I match a URL starting with a literal tilde character (~) in System.Web.Routing / ASP.NET MVC?

我正在將一些老式代碼轉換為 ASP.NET MVC,並且遇到了由我們的 URL 格式引起的障礙。 我們通過在特殊的 URL 路徑前加上波浪號來指定 URL 中的縮略圖寬度、高度等,如下例所示:


At the moment, this is resolved by a custom 404 handler in IIS, but now I want to replace /photo/ with an ASP.NET and use System.Web.Routing to extract the width, height, etc. from the incoming URL.

問題是 - 我不能這樣做:

  new { controller = "Photo", action = "Thumbnail" }

因為 System.Web.Routing 不允許路由以波浪號 (~) 字符開頭。

更改 URL 格式不是一種選擇......我們自 2000 年以來就公開支持此 URL 格式,並且 web 可能是對它的引用。 我可以在路由中添加某種受限通配符嗎?


public class CropRoute : Route
    private static readonly string RoutePattern = "{size}/crop/{fileNameWithoutExtension}.{extension}";
    private static readonly string SizePattern = @"^\~(?<width>[0-9]+)x(?<height>[0-9]+)$";
    private static readonly Regex SizeRegex = new Regex(SizePattern, RegexOptions.Compiled);

    public CropRoute(RouteValueDictionary defaults)
        : base(
            new RouteValueDictionary(new
                size = SizePattern
            new MvcRouteHandler()

    public override RouteData GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext)
        var rd = base.GetRouteData(httpContext);
        if (rd == null)
            return null;
        var size = rd.Values["size"] as string;
        if (size != null)
            var match = SizeRegex.Match(size);
            rd.Values["width"] = match.Groups["width"].Value;
            rd.Values["height"] = match.Groups["height"].Value;
        return rd;


    new CropRoute(
        new RouteValueDictionary(new
            controller = "Photo",
            action = "Thumbnail"

Photo controller 的Thumbnail操作中,您應該在請求/~200x400/crop/some_photo.jpg時獲得所需的一切:

public ActionResult Thumbnail(
    string fileNameWithoutExtension, 
    string extension, 
    string width, 
    string height


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