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[英]what is the best way to dynamicly load classes and invoke them

這是我想出的,但感覺很腫,很不整潔。 我不喜歡為每個類創建一個實例,只是為了獲得正確的實例。

class FileHasher
    private readonly List<IHasher> _list;

    public FileHasher()

        _list = new List<IHasher>();
        foreach (var type in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes())
            if(typeof(IHasher).IsAssignableFrom(type) && type.IsClass)
                _list.Add((IHasher) Activator.CreateInstance(type));


    public HashReturn GetHashFromFile(string file, HashFileType hashType)
        var hashReturn = new HashReturn();

        IHasher iHasher = _list.Find(hasher => hasher.HashType == hashType);

        hashReturn.Hash = iHasher.FileToHash(file);

        return hashReturn;

    public HashReturn GetHashFromString(string str, HashFileType hashType)
        var hashReturn = new HashReturn();

        IHasher iHasher = _list.Find(hasher => hasher.HashType == hashType);

        hashReturn.Hash = iHasher.StringToHash(str);

        return hashReturn;


internal class HashReturn
    public Exception Error { get; set; }
    public string Hash { get; set; }
    public bool Success { get; set; }

enum HashFileType

internal interface IHasher
    HashFileType HashType { get; }
    string FileToHash(string file);
    string StringToHash(string str);

class MD5Hasher : IHasher
    public HashFileType HashType { get { return HashFileType.MD5; } }

    public string FileToHash(string file)
        return "";

    public string StringToHash(string str)
        return "";

class CRC32Hasher : IHasher
    public HashFileType HashType { get { return HashFileType.CRC32; } }

    public string FileToHash(string file)
        return "";

    public string StringToHash(string str)
        return "";

MEF為您很好地解決了這個問題。 http://mef.codeplex.com/

它包含在.NET 4中。


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