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當我使用IE作為驅動程序運行此Selenium / WebDriver代碼時,為什么python.exe崩潰?

[英]Why does python.exe crash when I run this Selenium/WebDriver code using IE as the driver?

我在Windows 7和Python 2.7上安裝了IE 9。 當我使用Firefox作為驅動程序時,此代碼可以完美運行,但是使用IE時,它在幾秒鍾后崩潰。 我想知道在while循環期間是否達到了很高的CPU狀態? 對於編寫良好的while / wait循環,我是一個菜鳥。

def text_from_gmail(username, password, to_user, pattern):
    gmail = PyGmail('imap.gmail.com')
    gmail.login(username, password)

    #find the id of the confirmation message
    sec_waiting = 0
    msg_uid = ['']
    sleep_period = 10  # seconds to wait between Gmail searches
    while msg_uid == ['']:  # wait until message list from server isn't empty
        gmail.m.select('[Gmail]/All Mail')
        resp, msg_uid = gmail.m.search(None, 'To', to_user)
        if(msg_uid != ['']):
            break  # don't sleep if the message was found quickly
        time.sleep(sleep_period)  # pause between checks
        sec_waiting += sleep_period
        if sec_waiting >= 300:  # 5 minute timeout
            assert False  # fail the test if timeout elapses

    # extract the confirmation link from the message
    # it's a multi-part MIME, so we have to grab the attachment and decode it
    typ, msg_data = gmail.m.fetch(msg_uid[0], '(RFC822)')
    email_body = msg_data[0][1]
    mail = email.message_from_string(email_body)
    body = ""
    for part in mail.walk():
        if(part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain'):
            body = part.get_payload(decode=True)

    link = re.findall(pattern, body)
    return link

我認為它試圖轉到格式錯誤的URL。 我在它周圍放了一個str()driver.web.get(str(confirm_link)),它現在沒有崩潰。


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