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SharePoint 2010搜索-搜索請求無法連接到搜索服務

[英]SharePoint 2010 Search - The search request was unable to connect to the Search Service

我正在使用SharePoint 2010 Foundation,但在那里的搜索存在問題。 每次搜索內容時,都會收到的響應。 搜索請求無法連接到搜索服務。

我花了很多時間研究此問題,但似乎看不出是什么原因引起的。 SharePoint Foundation搜索服務已啟動,但服務器上沒有列出用於“幫助搜索”以外的搜索服務。




在SharePoint 2010命令行管理程序中執行此命令(以管理員身份運行)

psconfig -cmd upgrade

它將啟動標准SharePoint產品更新並升級處於“版本不匹配,建議升級”或“舊,需要升級”狀態的所有數據庫。 該工具在命令行中運行,並為您提供有關安裝進度的更新,如下所示。

PS C:\Users\Administrator> psconfig -cmd upgrade

SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard version 14.0.6009.1000. Copyright (C) M
icrosoft Corporation 2010. All rights reserved.

Performing configuration task 1 of 4

Initializing SharePoint Products upgrade...
Waiting to get a lock to upgrade the farm.
Successfully initialized SharePoint Products upgrade.

Performing configuration task 2 of 4

Initiating the upgrade sequence...
Successfully initiated the upgrade sequence.

Performing configuration task 3 of 4

Upgrading SharePoint Products...
Successfully upgraded SharePoint Products.

Performing configuration task 4 of 4

Finalizing the SharePoint Products configuration...
Successfully completed the SharePoint Products configuration.
Total number of configuration settings run: 4
Total number of successful configuration settings: 4
Total number of unsuccessful configuration settings: 0
Successfully stopped the configuration of SharePoint Products.
Configuration of the SharePoint Products has succeeded.

PS C:\Users\Administrator>

這是我的經驗:對於每一次全新安裝的SharePoint 2010,搜索服務都很好並且可以正常工作。 當2008服務器運行自動更新並找到SharePoint的一些更新補丁並自動加載時,SharePoint搜索將隨后失敗,並顯示消息“搜索請求無法連接到搜索服務”。

我首先使用了“ psconfig -cmd upgrade”命令,但是首先搜索不起作用。 然后,我轉到管理中心->系統設置->管理服務器上的服務,停止“ SharePoint Foundation搜索”服務,這將刪除所有搜索索引。 重新啟動。 之后,搜索再次起作用。



Get-SPDatabase | ?{$ _。NeedsUpgrade -eq $ true} | 選擇名字

Get-SPContentDatabase | ?{$ _。NeedsUpgrade -eq $ true} | 升級SPContentDatabase

這使我能夠識別所有需要此數據庫的數據庫(與在Central Admin中使用Health Analyzer幾乎相同)。 然后,我通過powershell命令窗口運行以下PSCONFIG命令以執行升級:

psconfig -cmd升級-inplace -b2b -force -wait



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