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[英]Different behavior between same call for pseudo-random number generator

我目前正在實現一個簡單的圖類,而我想要的方法之一是讓它返回一個隨機鄰居,如下所示。 但是,我發現每次運行程序時,返回nborList[r]總是返回nborList中的相同元素。

IDType Graph::random_neighbor(const IDType source) const
   IDVector nborList = neighbors(source);
   IDType r = nrand(nborList.size());

    cout << "TEST Neighbors: ";
    for (IDVector::const_iterator iter = nborList.begin();
        iter != nborList.end(); ++iter)
        cout << *iter << " ";
    cout << endl;
    cout << "TEST Rand: " << r << endl;

   return nborList[r];

int nrand(int n) // Returns number [0, n), taken from Accelerated C++
    if (n <= 0 || n > RAND_MAX)
        throw domain_error("Argument to nrand is out of range");

    const int bucket_size = RAND_MAX / n;
    int r;

    do r = rand() / bucket_size;
    while (r >= n);

    return r;


#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include "Graph.h"

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

int main()

    Graph G(50);
    for (int i = 1; i < 25; ++i)
        if (i % 2 == 0)
            G.add_edge(0, i);
    G.add_edge(2, 49);

    cout << "Number of nodes: " << G.size() << endl;
    cout << "Number of edges: " << G.number_of_edges() << endl;
    cout << "Neighbors of node 0: ";
    IDVector nborList = G.neighbors(0);
    for (IDVector::const_iterator iter = nborList.begin();
        iter != nborList.end(); ++iter)
        cout << *iter << " ";

    cout << endl << endl;
    cout << "Random neighbor: " << G.random_neighbor(0) << endl;
    cout << "Random number: " << nrand(nborList.size()) << endl;
    return 0;


Number of nodes: 50
Number of edges: 13
Neighbors of node 0: 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 

TEST Neighbors: 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 
TEST Rand: 1
Random neighbor: 4
Random number: 9

我得到的輸出是每次,除了最后一行說Random number: 9改變。 但是, TEST Rand: 1始終為1,有時在我重新編譯時,它將更改為不同的數字,但是在多次運行時,它將保持相同的數字。 使用nrand(nborList.size())調用在兩個地方看起來都是相同的,其中nborList = neighbors(source) .. help?


眾所周知, rand()很笨拙。 如果您運行一些測試並使用時間上接近的種子,那么它產生的第一個數字將始終是值接近的。 如果可以的話,我建議使用boost::random方法。


IDType r = rand() % nborList.size();

這會給你一個數字[0, n] ,其中n是nborList.size() - 1


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