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[英]Properly closing database connections in PHP

我在PHP數據庫連接中面臨一些疑問。 由於不能在我的方法(Java風格)上放置一個較大的try / catch / finally塊,因此當大小/邏輯趨於增加時,正確關閉所有連接和已准備好的語句的最佳方法是什么? 考慮下一種方法,一切都做對了嗎?

public function createRegister($register) {

        $query = "INSERT INTO register (username, password, email, confirmationToken) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";
        $result = $this->mysqli->query($query);

        if ($statement = $this->mysqli->prepare($query)) {  
            $statement->bind_param("ssss", $register->username, $register->passwordHash, $register->email, $register->confirmationToken);

            if (!$statement->execute()) {
                throw new DAOException("Failed to execute statement: " . $statement->error);


        } else {
            throw new DAOException("Failed to prepare statement: " . $this->mysqli->error);


您仍然可以在PHP中使用try / catch:

public function createRegister($register) {


    $query = "INSERT INTO register (username, password, email, confirmationToken) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";

    try {

        // This line is not needed
        // $result = $this->mysqli->query($query);

        if ($statement = $this->mysqli->prepare($query)) {

            $statement->bind_param("ssss", $register->username, $register->passwordHash, $register->email, $register->confirmationToken);

            if (!$statement->execute()) {                   
                throw new DAOException("Failed to execute statement: " . $statement->error);


        } else {
            throw new DAOException("Failed to prepare statement: " . $this->mysqli->error);
    } catch (Exception $e) {

        if ((isset($statement)) && (is_callable(array($statement, 'close')))) {


        throw $e;


這對於為一個特定任務建立連接非常有效,但是如果您想為需要訪問同一模式的多個任務共享同一連接怎么辦? 您可能需要考慮使用單例/工廠模式創建和訪問數據庫連接的更高級的解決方案。 我發布了這樣一個示例,作為另一個問題的解決方案。 它稍微先進一點,但是一旦您掌握了它,它的性能就會更高。


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