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使用Linq的多個外部聯接,具有2個連接到同一個表/對象。 得到SQL,需要Linq to Entity

[英]Multiple outer join using Linq with 2 joins to the same table/object. Got the SQL, need the Linq to Entity


   dbo.Documents.ReykerClientId DocClientID,
   CAAs.ClientId CAAClientIDCheck,
   ClientData.FullName ClientFullName, 
   AdvisorData.FullName AdvisorFullName
from dbo.Documents
left join 
  dbo.CAAs on dbo.Documents.ReykerAccountRef = dbo.CAAs.AccountRef
left join 
  dbo.hmsProfileDatas AS ClientData
  dbo.CAAs.ClientId = ClientData.ReykerClientID
left join 
  dbo.hmsProfileDatas AS AdvisorData
  dbo.CAAs.IFAId = AdvisorData.ReykerClientID



select table1.*,table2.*,a.Fullname, b.Fullname
from table1
left join
   table2 on table1.t2Id = table2.Id
left join
   table3 AS a 
   table2.t3Id1 = table3.id1
left join
   table3 AS b 
   table2.t3Id2 = table3.id2


這是我嘗試過的一些指導,但它沒有返回任何東西! 出了什么問題?

        var results3 = from doc in DataContext.Documents
                       from caa
                           in DataContext.CAAs
                           .Where(c => c.AccountRef == doc.ReykerAccountRef)
                       from cpd
                           in DataContext.hmsProfileDatas
                           .Where(pdc => pdc.ReykerClientID == caa.ClientId)
                       from apd
                           in DataContext.hmsProfileDatas
                           .Where(pda => pda.ReykerClientID == caa.IFAId)
                       select new DocumentInList()
                                      DocId = doc.DocId,
                                      DocTitle = doc.DocTitle,
                                      ReykerDocumentRef = doc.ReykerDocumentRef,
                                      ReykerAccountRef = doc.ReykerAccountRef,
                                      ClientFullName = cpd.FullName,
                                      AdvisorFullName = apd.FullName,
                                      DocTypeId = doc.DocTypeId,
                                      DocTypes = doc.DocTypes,
                                      DocDate = doc.DocDate,
                                      BlobDocName = doc.BlobDocName,
                                      UploadDate = doc.UploadDate,

我希望我能正確理解你的例子。 這是另一個簡單的例子,應該給你需要的東西:

    private class User
        public int UserId;
        public string Name;
        public int GroupId;
        public int CollectionId;

    public class Group
        public int GroupId;
        public string Name;

    public class Collection
        public int CollectionId;
        public string Name;

    static void Main()
        var groups = new[] { 
            new Group { GroupId = 1, Name = "Members" },
            new Group { GroupId = 2, Name = "Administrators" } 
        var collections = new[] { 
            new Collection { CollectionId = 1, Name = "Teenagers" },
            new Collection { CollectionId = 2, Name = "Seniors" } 
        var users = new[] { 
            new User { UserId = 1, Name = "Ivan", GroupId = 1, CollectionId = 1 },
            new User { UserId = 2, Name = "Peter", GroupId = 1, CollectionId = 2 },
            new User { UserId = 3, Name = "Stan", GroupId = 2, CollectionId = 1 },
            new User { UserId = 4, Name = "Dan", GroupId = 2, CollectionId = 2 },
            new User { UserId = 5, Name = "Vlad", GroupId = 5, CollectionId = 2 },
            new User { UserId = 6, Name = "Greg", GroupId = 2, CollectionId = 4 },
            new User { UserId = 6, Name = "Arni", GroupId = 3, CollectionId = 3 },

        var results = from u in users
                      join g in groups on u.GroupId equals g.GroupId into ug
                      from g in ug.DefaultIfEmpty()
                      join c in collections on u.CollectionId equals c.CollectionId into uc
                      from c in uc.DefaultIfEmpty()
                      select new { 
                          UserName = u.Name, 
                          GroupName = g != null ? g.Name : "<No group>",
                          CollectionName = c != null ? c.Name : "<No collection>"

它在一個表上生成兩個連接以從其他兩個表中獲取數據。 這是輸出:

Ivan    Members         Teenagers
Peter   Members         Seniors
Stan    Administrators  Teenagers
Dan     Administrators  Seniors
Vlad    <No group>      Seniors
Greg    Administrators  <No collection>
Arni    <No group>      <No collection>


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