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統一任務 <T> 和F#MailboxProcessor異常處理

[英]Unifying Task<T> and F# MailboxProcessor exception handling

使用Task <T>時,在Task.Wait()期間拋出任務執行期間的異常; 當使用F#的MailBoxProcessor時,異常會被吞下,需要根據這個問題明確處理。

這種差異使得很難通過Task將F#代理暴露給C#代碼。 例如,此代理:

type internal IncrementMessage = 
    Increment of int * AsyncReplyChannel<int>

type IncrementAgent() =
    let counter = Agent.Start(fun agent -> 
        let rec loop() = async { let! Increment(msg, replyChannel) = agent.Receive()
                                match msg with 
                                | int.MaxValue -> return! failwith "Boom!"
                                | _ as i -> replyChannel.Reply (i + 1)
                                            return! loop() }


    member x.PostAndAsyncReply i =
        Async.StartAsTask (counter.PostAndAsyncReply (fun channel -> Increment(i, channel)))


public void ExceptionHandling()
    // TPL exception behaviour
    var task = Task.Factory.StartNew<int>(() => { throw new Exception("Boom!"); });

    catch(AggregateException e)
        // Exception available here
        Console.WriteLine("Task failed with {0}", e.InnerException.Message);

    // F# MailboxProcessor exception behaviour
    var incAgent = new IncrementAgent();
    task = incAgent.PostAndAsyncReply(int.MaxValue);

        task.Wait(); // deadlock here
    catch (AggregateException e)
        Console.WriteLine("Agent failed with {0}", e.InnerException.Message);

C#代碼只掛起在task.Wait()而不是獲得異常。 有沒有辦法讓F#代理行為像任務? 如果沒有,似乎將F#代理暴露給其他.NET代碼的用途有限。

處理它的一種方法是讓代理返回帶有錯誤情況的DU。 然后,您可以從代理外部引發異常。

type internal IncrementResponse =
    | Response of int
    | Error of exn

type internal IncrementMessage = 
    | Increment of int * AsyncReplyChannel<IncrementResponse>

type IncrementAgent() =
    let counter = Agent.Start(fun agent -> 
        let rec loop() = 
          async { 
            let! Increment(msg, replyChannel) = agent.Receive()
            match msg with 
            | int.MaxValue -> replyChannel.Reply (Error (Failure "Boom!"))
            | _ as i -> replyChannel.Reply (Response(i + 1))
            return! loop() 

    member x.PostAndAsyncReply i =
        Async.StartAsTask (
          async {
            let! res = counter.PostAndAsyncReply (fun channel -> Increment(i, channel))
            match res with
            | Response i -> return i
            | Error e -> return (raise e)


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