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AE.Net.Mail Imap部分提取

[英]AE.Net.Mail Imap partial fetch

我正在使用C#和AE.Net.Mail庫從Gmail中提取文件。 我在處理大型zip文件時遇到問題。

使用Java在此處描述和解決了相同的問題: JavaMail BaseEncode64錯誤


跟着(或看看) S22.Imap 這是AE.Net.Mail,帶有一些其他文檔。

從示例:僅當附件小於2 MB時才下載附件

using System;
using S22.Imap;

namespace Test {
class Program {
    static void Main(string[] args)
        using (ImapClient Client = new ImapClient("imap.gmail.com", 993,
         "username", "password", Authmethod.Login, true))
            // This returns all messages sent since August 23rd 2012
            uint[] uids = Client.Search(
                SearchCondition.SentSince( new DateTime(2012, 8, 23) )

            // Our lambda expression will be evaluated for every MIME part
            // of every mail message in the uids array
            MailMessage[] messages = Client.GetMessages(uids,
                (Bodypart part) => {
                 // We're only interested in attachments
                 if(part.Disposition.Type == ContentDispositionType.Attachment)
                    Int64 TwoMegabytes = (1024 * 1024 * 2);
                    if(part.Size > TwoMegabytes)
                        // Don't download this attachment
                        return false;

                 // fetch MIME part and include it in the returned MailMessage instance
                 return true;


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