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[英]Why does getView return wrong convertView objects on SeparatedListAdapter?

我根據我的需要改編了Jeff Sharkey的SeparatedListAdapter並得到了這樣的結果:

public class SeparatedListAdapter<T> extends BaseAdapter {

    private final String LOG_TAG = getClass().getSimpleName();

    public final static int TYPE_SECTION_HEADER = 0;

    public final Map<T, Adapter> sectionAdapters;
    public final ArrayAdapter<T> headerAdapter;

    public SeparatedListAdapter(ArrayAdapter<T> headerAdapter) {
        this.sectionAdapters = new LinkedHashMap<T,Adapter>();
        this.headerAdapter = headerAdapter;

    public void addSection(T section, Adapter adapter) {
        this.sectionAdapters.put(section, adapter);

    public void clearSections() {

    public int getCount() {
        // total together all sections, plus one for each section header
        int total = 0;
        for(Adapter adapter : this.sectionAdapters.values())
            total += adapter.getCount() + 1;
        return total;

    public int getViewTypeCount() {
        //count headers, then total all sections
        int total = this.headerAdapter.getViewTypeCount();
        for(Adapter adapter : this.sectionAdapters.values())
            total += adapter.getViewTypeCount();
        return total;

    public int getItemViewType(int position) {
        int type = 1;
        for(Object section : this.sectionAdapters.keySet()) {
            Adapter adapter = sectionAdapters.get(section);
            int size = adapter.getCount() + 1;

            // check if position inside this section 
            if(position == 0) return TYPE_SECTION_HEADER;
            if(position < size) return type + adapter.getItemViewType(position - 1);

            // otherwise jump into next section
            position -= size;
            type += adapter.getViewTypeCount();

        return -1;

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        int sectionnum = 0;
        for(Object section : this.sectionAdapters.keySet()) {
            Adapter adapter = sectionAdapters.get(section);
            int size = adapter.getCount() + 1;

            // check if position inside this section 
            if(position == 0) 
                return headerAdapter.getView(sectionnum, convertView, parent);
            if(position < size) 
                return adapter.getView(position - 1, convertView, parent);

            // otherwise jump into next section
            position -= size;
        return null;

    public boolean areAllItemsEnabled() {
        return false;

    public boolean isEnabled(int position) {
        return (getItemViewType(position) != TYPE_SECTION_HEADER);

我遇到的問題是API將onvertView對象從錯誤的適配器提供給getView(),從而導致問題。 我想我正確實現了getViewTypeCount()和getItemViewType()並使用調試器進行了檢查。 還有什么可能出錯?


public static class MeetingAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Meeting> {
    static class ViewHolder {
        TextView title;
    private LayoutInflater inflater;

    public MeetingAdapter(Activity context, List<Meeting> meetings) {
        super(context, 0, meetings);
        this.inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        Meeting meeting = getItem(position);

        View rowView = convertView;
        ViewHolder holder;

        // instanceof should not be necessary!!! normally convertView should be of the right type!
        if (rowView == null || !(rowView.getTag() instanceof ViewHolder)) {
            rowView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.list_item, null);
            holder = new ViewHolder();
            holder.title = (TextView)rowView; // tmp - layout contains only a textview for the moment
        } else {
            holder = (ViewHolder)rowView.getTag();
        return rowView;

請幫助? 為此瘋狂。

我將問題描述為listviews的RecybleBin對象。 它根據getItemViewType中報告的類型存儲可能的convertViews,但是在更改數據集(因此位置)之后它的內容永遠不會更新,然后當你的適配器根據其位置得到以前類型為“X”的視圖時,現在它恰好是一個類型“Y”。 一個解決方案是手動檢查getView,不僅convertView為null,而且它的類型正確(有時候真的很尷尬......如果你使用視圖持有者模式,你可以檢查標簽是否與你對應的viewholder類匹配)


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