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以編程方式更改WPF Datagrid單元的內容

[英]Programatically change the contents of a WPF Datagrid Cell

我有一個WPF DataGrid(.NET Framework 4),它從myObject數組獲取其ItemsSource。 myObject的列/變量之一是DateTime。 有沒有一種方法可以更改DataGrid行的繪制事件,以便我可以在該列的單元格中顯示除每個對象的DateTime以外的其他內容?

設置AutoGenerateColumns為False,並確定使用手動將列DataGridTextColumn ,DataGridTemplateColumn`等。

使用AutoGeneratingColumn事件進行編輯 ,您可以通過添加IValueConverter來修改列的輸出:

    void MyGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)
        // check if the current column is the target
        if (e.PropertyName == "MyDateproperty")
            // assuming it's a Text-type column
            var column = (e.Column as DataGridTextColumn);
            if (column != null)
                var binding = column.Binding as Binding;
                if (binding != null)
                    // add a converter to the binding
                    binding.Converter = new StringFormatConverter();

現在,以通常的方式定義StringFormatConverter ,將Date / Time值轉換為:

public class StringFormatConverter: IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        var col = (DateTime?)value;
        return (col == null) ? null : col.Value.ToShortDateString();
    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotImplementedException();


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