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如何在 Dart 中調用超級構造函數?

[英]How do I call a super constructor in Dart?

如何在 Dart 中調用超級構造函數? 是否可以調用命名的超級構造函數?

是的,它的語法接近C# ,這里是一個同時包含默認構造函數和命名構造函數的示例:

class Foo {
  Foo(int a, int b) {
    //Code of constructor

  Foo.named(int c, int d) {
    //Code of named constructor

class Bar extends Foo {
  Bar(int a, int b) : super(a, b);

class Baz extends Foo {
  Baz(int c, int d) : super.named(c, d);  


class CBar extends Foo {
  int c;

  CBar(int a, int b, int cParam) :
    c = cParam,
    super(a, b);


這是我與您共享的文件,按原樣運行它。 您將學習如何調用超級構造函數,以及如何調用超級參數化構造函數。

// Objectives
// 1. Inheritance with Default Constructor and Parameterised Constructor
// 2. Inheritance with Named Constructor

void main() {
    var dog1 = Dog("Labrador", "Black");
    var dog2 = Dog("Pug", "Brown");
    var dog3 = Dog.myNamedConstructor("German Shepherd", "Black-Brown");

class Animal {
    String color;

    Animal(String color) {
        this.color = color;
        print("Animal class constructor");

    Animal.myAnimalNamedConstrctor(String color) {
        print("Animal class named constructor");

class Dog extends Animal {
    String breed;

    Dog(String breed, String color) : super(color) {
        this.breed = breed;
        print("Dog class constructor");

    Dog.myNamedConstructor(String breed, String color) : super.myAnimalNamedConstrctor(color) {
        this.breed = breed;
        print("Dog class Named Constructor");


class Foo {
  String a;
  int b;
  Foo({this.a, this.b});

class Bar extends Foo {
  Bar({a,b}) : super(a:a, b:b);


是的,但前提是您創建的超類和子類在同一個庫中。 (因為私有標識符在它們定義的整個庫中都是可見的)。 私有標識符是以下划線開頭的標識符。

class Foo {    
  Foo._private(int a, int b) {
    //Code of private named constructor

class Bar extends Foo {
  Bar(int a, int b) : super._private(a,b);

由於 dart 支持將類實現為接口( 隱式接口),如果你實現了它就不能調用父構造函數,你應該使用extends 如果您使用工具,請將其更改為擴展並使用 Eduardo Copat 的解決方案。

class AppException implements Exception {
  final _message;
  final _prefix;

  //constructor with optional & not named paramters
  //if not the parameter is not sent, it'll be null
  AppException([this._message, this._prefix]);

  String toString() {
    return "$_prefix$_message";

class FetchDataException extends AppException {
  //redirecting constructor with a colon to call parent two optional parameters
  FetchDataException([String msg]) : super(msg, "Error During Communication: ");

class BadRequestException extends AppException {
  BadRequestException([msg]) : super(msg, "Invalid Request: ");

class UnauthorisedException extends AppException {
  UnauthorisedException([msg]) : super(msg, "Unauthorised: ");

class InvalidInputException extends AppException {
  InvalidInputException([String msg]) : super(msg, "Invalid Input: ");

如何在 Dart 中調用超級構造函數? 是否可以調用命名的超級構造函數?


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