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[英]How to find and replace text in a file


StreamReader reading = File.OpenText("test.txt");
string str;
while ((str = reading.ReadLine())!=null)
      if (str.Contains("some text"))
          StreamWriter write = new StreamWriter("test.txt");


讀取所有文件內容。 使用String.Replace進行替換。 將內容寫回文件。

string text = File.ReadAllText("test.txt");
text = text.Replace("some text", "new value");
File.WriteAllText("test.txt", text);

您將很難寫入正在讀取的同一個文件。 一種快速的方法是簡單地這樣做:

File.WriteAllText("test.txt", File.ReadAllText("test.txt").Replace("some text","some other text"));


string str = File.ReadAllText("test.txt");
str = str.Replace("some text","some other text");
File.WriteAllText("test.txt", str);



using (var input = File.OpenText("input.txt"))
using (var output = new StreamWriter("output.txt")) {
  string line;
  while (null != (line = input.ReadLine())) {
     // optionally modify line.


File.Move("output.txt", "input.txt");


編輯:與其使用兩個文件操作來替換原始文件,不如使用File.Replace("input.txt", "output.txt", null) (請參閱MSDN 。)

您可能必須將文本文件拉入內存,然后進行替換。 然后,您必須使用您清楚了解的方法覆蓋該文件。 所以你首先要:

// Read lines from source file.
string[] arr = File.ReadAllLines(file);


var writer = new StreamWriter(GetFileName(baseFolder, prefix, num));
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
    string line = arr[i];
    line.Replace("match", "new value");

此方法可讓您對可以執行的操作進行一些控制。 或者,您可以僅在一行中進行替換

File.WriteAllText("test.txt", text.Replace("match", "new value"));


這是我用一個大(50 GB)文件做的:

我嘗試了兩種不同的方法:第一種,將文件讀入內存並使用 Regex Replace 或 String Replace。 然后我將整個字符串附加到一個臨時文件中。

第一種方法適用於一些 Regex 替換,但如果您在一個大文件中進行多次替換,Regex.Replace 或 String.Replace 可能會導致內存不足錯誤。

第二種是通過逐行讀取臨時文件並使用 StringBuilder 手動構建每一行並將每個處理過的行附加到結果文件中。 這個方法相當快。

static void ProcessLargeFile()
        if (File.Exists(outFileName)) File.Delete(outFileName);

        string text = File.ReadAllText(inputFileName, Encoding.UTF8);

        // EX 1 This opens entire file in memory and uses Replace and Regex Replace --> might cause out of memory error

        text = text.Replace("</text>", "");

        text = Regex.Replace(text, @"\<ref.*?\</ref\>", "");

        File.WriteAllText(outFileName, text);

        // EX 2 This reads file line by line 

        if (File.Exists(outFileName)) File.Delete(outFileName);

        using (var sw = new StreamWriter(outFileName))      
        using (var fs = File.OpenRead(inFileName))
        using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs, Encoding.UTF8)) //use UTF8 encoding or whatever encoding your file uses
            string line, newLine;

            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
              //note: call your own replace function or use String.Replace here 
              newLine = Util.ReplaceDoubleBrackets(line);


    public static string ReplaceDoubleBrackets(string str)
        //note: this replaces the first occurrence of a word delimited by [[ ]]

        //replace [[ with your own delimiter
        if (str.IndexOf("[[") < 0)
            return str;

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        //this part gets the string to replace, put this in a loop if more than one occurrence  per line.
        int posStart = str.IndexOf("[[");
        int posEnd = str.IndexOf("]]");
        int length = posEnd - posStart;

        // ... code to replace with newstr


        return sb.ToString();


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

/// <summary>
/// Replaces text in a file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filePath">Path of the text file.</param>
/// <param name="searchText">Text to search for.</param>
/// <param name="replaceText">Text to replace the search text.</param>
static public void ReplaceInFile( string filePath, string searchText, string replaceText )
    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader( filePath );
    string content = reader.ReadToEnd();

    content = Regex.Replace( content, searchText, replaceText );

    StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter( filePath );
    writer.Write( content );


- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
                           // Create an instance of the Printer
                           IPrinter printer = new Printer();

                           String path = @"" + file_browse_path.Text;
                         //  using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(path))

                           using (StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(path))

                              string fileLocMove="";
                              string newpath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
                               fileLocMove = newpath + "\\" + "new.prn";

                                  string text = File.ReadAllText(path);
                                  text= text.Replace("<REF>", reference_code.Text);
                                  text=   text.Replace("<ORANGE>", orange_name.Text);
                                  text=   text.Replace("<SIZE>", size_name.Text);
                                  text=   text.Replace("<INVOICE>", invoiceName.Text);
                                  text=   text.Replace("<BINQTY>", binQty.Text);
                                  text = text.Replace("<DATED>", dateName.Text);

                                       File.WriteAllText(fileLocMove, text);

                               // Print the file
                               printer.PrintRawFile("Godex G500", fileLocMove, "n");
                              // File.WriteAllText("C:\\Users\\Gunjan\\Desktop\\new.prn", s);


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