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[英]Is System.Decimal consistent?


在該線程上簡要提及但未得到完全答復的一件事是System.Decimal的情況。 有人提到System.Decimal 可能用作一致的浮點類型,它會非常慢,並且.NET(System.Math)提供的數學函數未針對System.Decimal實現。

我能找到的關於這種類型的唯一其他信息是Marc Gravell 說,它是在軟件中實現的,這強烈暗示了它確實是一致的。




以始終代表正確操作編號的方式保持一致。 任何浮點都有代表某些價值的麻煩。 System.Decimal只能准確地表示那些精確地表示為十進制值的數字,例如1/3將不正確地表示為0.33333 ......並且cos,sin,tan,sqrt和log的許多結果將是由於存在任何數字系統(例如十進制或二進制)的許多值只能表示為最接近的近似值,因此近似值。

C#規范說: The result of an operation on values of type decimal is that which would result from calculating an exact result (preserving scale, as defined for each operator) and then rounding to fit the representation. Results are rounded to the nearest representable value, and, when a result is equally close to two representable values, to the value that has an even number in the least significant digit position. The result of an operation on values of type decimal is that which would result from calculating an exact result (preserving scale, as defined for each operator) and then rounding to fit the representation. Results are rounded to the nearest representable value, and, when a result is equally close to two representable values, to the value that has an even number in the least significant digit position.


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