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[英]linq2sql insert data in database one-to-many relationship

我正在寫一個wpf應用程序。 我有一個本地數據庫(sqlCE),其中包含兩個對應於不同表的實體類。 第一類是Account,第二類是Movements。 這兩個表之間存在一對多的關系:一個帳戶可以有更多的變動。 這是帳戶類別:

public class Account
    .....other private fields...
    private Int16 iDA;
    private EntitySet<Movement> movements;

    ...other properties with column attribute....

    //primary key
    [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, Storage="iDA", IsDbGenerated = true, AutoSync = AutoSync.OnInsert, DbType = "smallint")]
    public Int16 IDA
        get { return iDA; }
        private set { iDA = value; }

    [Association(Storage = "movements", OtherKey = "IDA")]
    public EntitySet<Movement> Movements
        get { return movements; }
        set { this.movements.Assign(value); }

    public Account()
        this.movements = new EntitySet<Movement>();


public class Movement
    ...other fields...
    private Int16 iDA;
    private int iDM;
    private EntityRef<Account> myAcc;

    //primary key
    [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true, AutoSync = AutoSync.OnInsert, DbType = "int NOT NULL IDENTITY", Storage = "iDM")]
    public int IDM
        get { return iDM; }
        set { iDM = value; }

    //property links the two tables
    [Column(DbType = "smallint", Storage="iDA", isPrimaryKey=true)]
    public Int16 IDA
        get { return iDA; }
        set { iDA = value; }

    [Association(Storage = "myAcc", ThisKey = "IDA")]
    public Account MyAccount
        get { return this.myAcc.Entity; }
        set { this.myAcc.Entity = value; }


    public Movement()
        this.myAcc = new EntityRef<Account>();


我定義了IDA屬性來鏈接兩個表。 之后,我編寫datacontext類:

public class DataBase : DataContext

    public Table<Account> AccountTable
        get { return this.GetTable<Account>(); }
    public Table<Movement> MovementTable
        get { return this.GetTable<Movement>(); }

    public DataBase(string connection) : base(connection) { }

在mainclass中,我創建數據庫,但是當我嘗試用一​​個帳戶對象填充數據庫時,出現了sql異常! 我可以毫無問題地插入調用InsertOnSubmit(Account a)的數據,但是當我調用SubmitChanges()時,程序將停止並且異常顯示“列不能包含空值。[列名稱= IDA,表名稱=帳戶]”。


嘗試對IDA字段的Column屬性使用DbType = "smallint not null identity"CanBeNull = false參數。



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