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[英]Calling the zoom in and out of context menu from custom button in flex3

I want to call the zoom in and zoom out function of context menu from custom button In adobe flex application. 我想在自定义按钮中调用上下文菜单的放大和缩小功能。在adobe flex应用程序中。

Code something like this : 代码如下:


There is (at least to my knowledge) no way for you to access the flash player zoom in/out commands via code. (至少据我所知)你无法通过代码访问flash player放大/缩小命令。

You can fake it though by doing the following in your document class (top-most display object under stage) 您可以通过在文档类中执行以下操作来伪造它(舞台下的最顶层显示对象)

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL,mouseWheel,true,2); //listen on the capture phase of the event and give a higher priority than default so it reacts before your grid

function mouseWheel(e:MouseEvent):void {
    if(!e.ctrlKey) return; //Ctrl has to be pressed or we ignore the wheel

    e.stopImmediatePropagation(); //this stops the event from firing on anything else, like your data grid

    var tmpScale:Number = scaleX + (e.delta > 0 ? .2 : -.2); //lets zoom in/out in incriments of 20% (.1)

    if(tmpScale < 1){ //if the scale is less than one now, lets keep it at 1
        tmpScale = 1;
        this.scaleX = 1;
        this.x = 0;
        this.scaleY = 1;
        this.y = 0;

    if(tmpScale > 4){ //lets set the max to 4
        tmpScale = 4;



function scaleAroundMouse(objectToScale:DisplayObject, scaleAmount:Number, bounds:Rectangle = null):void {
    // scaling will be done relatively
    var relScaleX:Number = scaleAmount / objectToScale.scaleX;
    var relScaleY:Number = scaleAmount / objectToScale.scaleY;
    // map vector to centre point within parent scope

    var scalePoint:Point = objectToScale.localToGlobal( new Point(objectToScale.mouseX, objectToScale.mouseY));
    scalePoint = objectToScale.parent.globalToLocal( scalePoint );
    // current registered postion AB
    var AB:Point = new Point( objectToScale.x, objectToScale.y );
    // CB = AB - scalePoint, objectToScale vector that will scale as it runs from the centre
    var CB:Point = AB.subtract( scalePoint );
    CB.x *= relScaleX;
    CB.y *= relScaleY;
    // recaulate AB, objectToScale will be the adjusted position for the clip
    AB = scalePoint.add( CB );
    // set actual properties

     var limits:Rectangle = new Rectangle(
        bounds.x + (bounds.width - (objectToScale.width * relScaleX)),
        bounds.y + (bounds.height - (objectToScale.height * relScaleY)),
        (objectToScale.width * relScaleX) - bounds.width,
        (objectToScale.height * relScaleY) - bounds.height

     if(AB.x < limits.x) AB.x = limits.x;
     if(AB.x > limits.x + limits.width) AB.x = limits.x + limits.width;
     if(AB.y < limits.y) AB.y = limits.y;
     if(AB.y > limits.y + limits.height) AB.y = limits.y + limits.height;       

    objectToScale.scaleX = scaleAmount;
    objectToScale.scaleY = scaleAmount;
    objectToScale.x = AB.x;
    objectToScale.y = AB.y;

Ok, advancedatagrid may listen keyboard events, when ctrl key down - listen mousewheel events and change scale, see example: 好的,高级数据网格可以监听键盘事件,当按下ctrl键时 - 听鼠标滚轮事件并改变音阶,参见示例:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" 
               xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">

                protected function doMouseWheel(evt:MouseEvent):void 
                    scaleX = scaleY += evt.delta * 0.1;

                protected function adg_keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void
                    if (event.ctrlKey)
                        systemManager.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, doMouseWheel);

                protected function adg_keyUpHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void
                    if (!event.ctrlKey)
                        systemManager.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, doMouseWheel);


        <mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="adg" keyDown="adg_keyDownHandler(event)" keyUp="adg_keyUpHandler(event)"
                             horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0">
                <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="@label"/>
                <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="@data" />
                <s:XMLListCollection id="dp">
                            <product label="Product 1" data="3" />
                            <product label="Product 2" data="1" />
                            <product label="Product 3" data="4" />
                            <product label="Product 4" data="1" />
                            <product label="Product 5" data="5" />
                            <product label="Product 6" data="9" />


In order to zoom in/out a vector graphics, you plainly change its scaleX and scaleY properties uniformly. 为了放大/缩小矢量图形,您可以统一地更改其scaleXscaleY属性。 The vector renderer of Flash will draw you a correct picture. Flash的矢量渲染器将为您绘制正确的图片。 In order to zoom in on a Bitmap and not get pixelated output, you have to convert it into a vector graphics object like this: 为了放大位图而不是像素化输出,你必须将它转换为矢量图形对象,如下所示:

var sh:Shape=new Shape();
sh.graphics.lineStyle(0,0,0); // to not have border lines

And then adjusting scaleX and scaleY of that shape will produce interpolated output as you seemingly want. 然后调整该形状的scaleXscaleY将产生您看似想要的插值输出。

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