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Flex3 Datagrid:标记上的自定义行

[英]Flex3 Datagrid : custom rows on a flag

I am using an mx datagrid with three columns. 我正在使用具有三列的mx datagrid。 My dataprovider is a collection, itemList which has Item objects. 我的数据提供者是一个具有item对象的itemItem集合。 Item object has a flag field 'isValid'. 项目对象具有标志字段“ isValid”。 On meeting the condition 满足条件

item==null || item.isValid = false

I want the entire row to look like a single cell (merge the columns for the row) and display a label. 我希望整个行看起来像一个单元格(合并该行的列)并显示标签。 Here is my grid. 这是我的网格。

        <mx:DataGrid id="grid" dataProvider="{itemList}">   
                <mx:GridColumn dataField="Artist" headerText="Artist"/>
                <mx:GridColumn dataField="Album" headerText="Album"/>
                <mx:GridColumn dataField="Year" headerText="Year"/>

Any ideas how to do it? 有什么想法怎么做? Couldn't find much on SO. 在SO上找不到很多东西。 Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

The only way you could mimic 3 column merge, would be with item renderers. 模仿3列合并的唯一方法是使用项目渲染器。

    public class Item
        public var Artist:String;
        public var Album:String;
        public var Year:String;
        public var isValid:Boolean;

        public function Item(artist:String, album:String, year:String, isValid:Boolean = true)
            this.Artist = artist;
            this.Album = album;
            this.Year = year;
            this.isValid = isValid;

For some reason your code didn't compile on actionscript3, I guess you have never version, but I believe this should work. 出于某种原因,您的代码未在actionscript3上编译,我想您从未发布过版本,但我认为这应该可行。

<mx:DataGrid id="grid" dataProvider="{itemList}" width="100%" height="100%">   
            <mx:DataGridColumn id="artist" dataField="Artist" headerText="Artist"/>
            <mx:DataGridColumn id="album" dataField="Album" headerText="Album"/>
            <mx:DataGridColumn id="year" dataField="Year" headerText="Year"/>

Album/Year renderer: 专辑/年份渲染器:

    import mx.containers.HBox;
    import mx.controls.Label;
    import mx.controls.listClasses.IListItemRenderer;

    public class AlbumYearItemRenderer extends HBox implements IListItemRenderer
        public var dataField:String;

        private var labelComponent:Label;
        private var _itemChanged:Boolean;
        private var _data:Item;

        override public function set data(data:Object):void
            super.data = data;
            _data = data as Item;
            _itemChanged = true;

        protected override function createChildren():void

            labelComponent = new Label();

        protected override function commitProperties():void

                _itemChanged = false;

                if((_data as Item).isValid)
                    labelComponent.text = _data[dataField];


Artist renderer: 艺术家渲染器:

    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.text.TextField;

    import mx.containers.Canvas;
    import mx.controls.Label;
    import mx.controls.listClasses.IListItemRenderer;
    import mx.core.UIComponent;

    public class ArtistRenderer extends Canvas implements IListItemRenderer

        private var c:UIComponent;
        private var labelField:Label;
        private var textField:TextField;
        private var _itemChanged:Boolean;
        private var _data:Item;
        private var labelImage:BitmapData;

        override public function set data(data:Object):void
            super.data = data;
            _data = data as Item;
            _itemChanged = true;

        protected override function createChildren():void

            labelField = new Label();
            textField = new TextField();
            c = new UIComponent();


        protected override function commitProperties():void

                _itemChanged = false;

                    labelField.text = _data.Artist;
                    textField.text = _data.Artist;
                    textField.width = 300;
                    labelImage = new BitmapData(textField.width, textField.height, true, 0x000000ff);

        protected override function measure():void

            if(!_data.isValid && labelImage != null)
                graphics.drawRect(0, 0, textField.width, textField.height);


and the way I fill grid: 以及我填充网格的方式:

protected function init():void
    var rend1:ClassFactory = new ClassFactory(ArtistRenderer);
    artist.itemRenderer = rend1;

    var rend2:ClassFactory = new ClassFactory(AlbumYearItemRenderer);
    rend2.properties = {dataField: album.dataField};
    album.itemRenderer = rend2;

    var rend3:ClassFactory = new ClassFactory(AlbumYearItemRenderer);
    rend3.properties = {dataField: year.dataField};
    year.itemRenderer = rend3;

    itemList.addItem(new Item("artist1", "album1", "year1"));
    itemList.addItem(new Item("artist1", "album2", "year1"));
    itemList.addItem(new Item("artist2......................INVALID!", "album1", "year1", false));
    itemList.addItem(new Item("artist2", "album1", "year2"));

NOTE: Artist renderer uses "magical" number 300 to determine textField 's width, this should be passed/updated with actual DataGrid 's width to make it expand to full grid's width. 注意:Artist渲染器使用“魔术”数字300来确定textField的宽度,应使用实际DataGrid的宽度来传递/更新该值,以使其扩展到整个网格的宽度。 Also column borders are seen under an invalid item's artist textField. 在无效项目的艺术家textField下也可以看到列边框。 You should either disable borders or draw a maybe white square under textField , but it's cosmetic job and I believe you will be able to dealt with this stuff. 您应该禁用边框或在textField下绘制一个可能是白色的正方形,但这是textField的工作,我相信您将能够处理这些问题。


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