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将WP7应用程序升级到WP8。 线程0xb6c已退出,代码为259(0x103)

[英]Upgraded WP7 app to WP8. The thread 0xb6c has exited with code 259 (0x103)

After upgrading our WP7 app to WP8, the app stops working (as in just halts and none of the ui elements work) almost immediately after the splash screen. 在将我们的WP7应用程序升级到WP8之后,应用程序几乎在启动屏幕之后几乎立即停止工作(就像暂停并且没有任何ui元素工作)。

The only output seems to be this: 'The thread 0xb6c has exited with code 259 (0x103).'. 唯一的输出似乎是这样的:'线程0xb6c已退出代码259(0x103)。'。

How do I go about debugging this problem? 我该如何调试此问题? The app works perfectly on WP7. 该应用程序在WP7上运行良好。

Thanks. 谢谢。

Sounds like there may be some errors in your configuration. 听起来您的配置可能存在一些错误。 Make sure that you have a Navigation page in your WMAppManifest file. 确保WMAppManifest文件中有Navigation page

If you do, then check if your namespaces are correct and your project directory names have not been modified so that all resources (file paths, app name etc..) within the csproj file point to valid paths. 如果这样做,那么检查您的命名空间是否正确并且您的项目目录名称是否未被修改,以便csproj文件中的所有资源(文件路径,应用程序名称等)指向有效路径。 If you've renamed the solution, or any namespaces, you have to ensure that those changes are reflected throughout the project files. 如果您已重命名解决方案或任何名称空间,则必须确保这些更改反映在整个项目文件中。

If none of that works, try creating a new solution and importing your project (create any relevant backups first) and see if that fixes the issue. 如果这些都不起作用,请尝试创建新解决方案并导入项目(首先创建任何相关备份),看看是否能解决问题。

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