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CCD和HL7 V3 / V2

[英]CCD and HL7 V3 / V2

My company is going to be an HIE and we are figuring out how to exchange our information with other systems. 我的公司将成为一名HIE,我们正在研究如何与其他系统交换我们的信息。 We are located in USA and I see that the current common standard is HL7 V2. 我们位于美国,我看到目前的通用标准是HL7 V2。 Hl7 V3 is not backward compatible to HL7 V2. Hl7 V3不向后兼容HL7 V2。 These are the transactions that we are planning to implement: 这些是我们计划实施的交易:
o Discharge Summaries o出院摘要
o Progress Notes o进度说明
o Lab Results o实验室结果
o Procedures/Orders o程序/订单

This whole thing is complicated and I am trying to figure out using bits and pieces of info scattered in the net. 这一切都很复杂,我试图弄清楚使用分散在网络中的信息。 So here are my questions: 所以这是我的问题:

  1. Should we look at HL7 V3 or V2 implementation? 我们应该看看HL7 V3还是V2实现?
  2. Are CCD and HL7 V2 compatible? CCD和HL7 V2兼容吗? Most of the documents I saw from HITSP talks about HL7 V3. 我从HITSP看到的大多数文件都谈到了HL7 V3。
  3. Where can I find an exhaustive list of data fields which are required for all the transactions above? 我在哪里可以找到上述所有交易所需的详尽数据字段列表? Is it defined by HITSP? 它是由HITSP定义的吗?
  4. Do the fields defined for each transaction change depending on whether we go with HL7 V3 or V2? 根据我们是使用HL7 V3还是V2,为每个事务定义的字段是否会发生变化?

Any help will be much appreciated! 任何帮助都感激不尽!

If you're going to be an HIE, you're going to need to handle both HL7 v2 and v3. 如果您将成为HIE,则需要同时处理HL7 v2和v3。 My experience is that almost all "real life" data transmission is v2 (I think this is probably because most systems capable of v3 transmission also allow v2 formatting, whereas the older systems cannot handle v3, but this is just speculation). 我的经验是,几乎所有“真实”数据传输都是v2(我认为这可能是因为大多数能够进行v3传输的系统也允许v2格式化,而旧系统无法处理v3,但这只是推测)。 There's a very superficial overview of the core differences between v2 and v3 here , which talks a bit about what fundamental changes are being made besides format ( delimited vs xml ) 这里有一个非常肤浅的概述v2和v3之间的核心差异 ,它讨论了除了格式之外还有哪些基本的变化( delimited vs xml

The second part of your questions doesn't really have a definitive answer, and ties in with your fourth question. 你问题的第二部分确实没有明确的答案,并与你的第四个问题联系在一起。 CCD can be HL7v2 compatible, but it's a lot more difficult and relies on the sender and receiver both having a common understanding on a number of issues (hl7v2 is a very loose "standard"). CCD 可以兼容HL7v2,但它更加困难,并且依赖于发送者和接收者都对许多问题有共同的理解(hl7v2是一个非常宽松的 “标准”)。 Here's HL7standard.com's thoughts on the subject: 这是HL7standard.com关于这个主题的想法:

The short answer is "yes" with the long answer being "it depends." 简短的回答是“是”,长答案是“它取决于”。

There are different levels of CDA/CCD documents. 有不同级别的CDA / CCD文件。 It probably would be possible to create a Level-1 CDA document from an HL7 v2 message, assuming you had a fairly robust HL7 v2 report of some flavor (MDM or ORU type of message most likely). 可能有可能从HL7 v2消息创建Level-1 CDA文档,假设您有一个相当强大的HL7 v2报告(某种风格)(最有可能是MDM或ORU类型的消息)。

It would be harder to take an HL7 v2 message and convert it into a Level-2 or Level-3 CDA document. 获取HL7 v2消息并将其转换为Level-2或Level-3 CDA文档将更加困难。 More data is required in those formats, and that data needs to be structured, not just free form text. 这些格式需要更多数据,并且需要构建数据,而不仅仅是自由格式文本。

The CDA is based on the HL7 v3 RIM, and compliant CDA documents will follow that data model. CDA基于HL7 v3 RIM,符合CDA的文档将遵循该数据模型。 Mapping from one data model to another can be challenging. 从一种数据模型映射到另一种数据模型可能具有挑

All CDA documents need to have a responsible party or person who 'signs' the document. 所有CDA文件都需要有一个负责任的一方或“签署”该文件的人。 At a minimum, the HL7 v2 message would have to have this information. HL7 v2消息至少必须包含此信息。

Converting a CDA document into an HL7 v2 message is possible, but you run the risk of losing the 'context' of the data that is in the original document if it is a highly structured Level-2 or Level-3 document. 可以将CDA文档转换为HL7 v2消息,但如果它是高度结构化的Level-2或Level-3文档,则存在丢失原始文档中数据的“上下文”的风险。 If the CDA contains nothing more than a textual report and some patient demographic information, then it can be converted into a comparable v2 message. 如果CDA仅包含文本报告和一些患者人口统计信息,则可将其转换为可比较的v2消息。

For getting a full list of fields, I'd just purchase the full HL7 standard... and maybe have a look over at bluebuttonplus.org ... though keep in mind that v2 can result in some confusion, as message sub-segments aren't always consistently used between different actors. 为了获得完整的字段列表,我只需购买完整的HL7标准......也许可以查看bluebuttonplus.org ...但请记住,v2可能会导致一些混乱,如消息子段并不总是在不同的演员之间使用。 Anyway, I don't think that there are clean answers to most of what you're asking, but at the very least you will really need to handle both formats. 无论如何,我不认为你要求的大部分内容都有干净的答案,但至少你真的需要处理这两种格式。 I'd also throw in that you may want to look at a product like Mirth or InterfaceWare to handle some of your parsing and testing. 我还想说你可能想看看像MirthInterfaceWare这样的产品来处理你的一些解析和测试。

You'll definitely want to take a look at HL7.org . 你肯定想看看HL7.org The HL7 standards are now available for free, and a large part of it is licensed at no cost. HL7标准现在免费提供,其中很大一部分是免费许可的。 As far as HL7 version, 2.5.1 seems to be the standard for the v2 space. 就HL7版本而言,2.5.1似乎是v2空间的标准。 As stated in the other answer, you'll want to support both V2 and V3 HL7. 如另一个答案中所述,您需要同时支持V2和V3 HL7。

If you are looking in to sending the CCD, looking at the same HL7 site search for QRDA, the Quality Document Reporting Architecture, an XML HL7 standard for the transmission of the CDA. 如果您正在寻找发送CCD,请查看相同的HL7站点搜索QRDA,质量文档报告体系结构,XML HL7标准,用于传输CDA。

Two other notes on this, you'll want to look at the emerging discussions around QRDA I and QRDA III that are taking place now with ONC , and the revised standards for the CCDA. 关于这一点的另外两个注释,你将想看看现在正在与ONC进行的QRDA I和QRDA III的新兴讨论,以及修订后的CCDA标准。

Here's a direct link to the, I believe, most recent CDA standard on HL7.org HL7/ASTM Implementation Guide for CDA Release 2 -Continuity of Care Document (CCD®) Release 1 以下是与HL7.org最新CDA标准的直接链接HL7 / ASTM CDA第2版实施指南 - 连续性护理文件(CCD®)第1版

Finally, you will need to have conversations with the major EHR players such as Epic, Cerner and Meditech. 最后,您需要与Epic,Cerner和Meditech等主要EHR玩家进行对话。 They'll need to be on board with your solution and can guide you through the implementation process. 他们需要加入您的解决方案,并指导您完成实施过程。 In addition to that, they will need to know how best to set up their systems to talk to yours so they can guide their clients. 除此之外,他们还需要知道如何最好地建立他们的系统与您交谈,以便他们可以指导他们的客户。 Without this I'm afraid you'll get no traction. 没有这个,我担心你没有牵引力。

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