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[英]Java Subclasses that have different primitive data members, but same methods

I'm writing a Ray Tracer and I have a Vec3 class which is a typical math vector with 3 coordinates: X, Y, and Z. I've also created a Color class that holds 3 components: R, G, and B. After writing a decent amount of code, I started to notice that Color is basically a Vec3. 我正在编写Ray Tracer,我有一个Vec3类,这是一个典型的数学向量,具有3个坐标:X,Y和Z。我还创建了一个Color类,其中包含3个分量:R,G和B。在编写了大量代码之后,我开始注意到Color基本上是Vec3。 I started to write a lot of the same methods for Color as I did for Vec3. 我开始为Color编写许多与Vec3相同的方法。 Seeing that DRY code is the way to go, I wanted to merge the two classes so I didn't have to keep writing the same code for both classes. 看到DRY代码是路要走,我想合并两个类,这样我就不必继续为两个类编写相同的代码。

As it stands, here are the classes: 就目前而言,以下是这些类:

class Vec3{
    public static final int X=0,Y=1,Z=2;
    double components[];
    // Constructors and Methods

class Color extends Vec3{
    public static final int R=0,G=1,B=2;
    int components[];
    // Constructors and Methods

The only difference between the two classes is that a Vec3 uses doubles for its components and a Color uses ints. 这两个类之间的唯一区别是,Vec3的组件使用双精度,而Color则使用整数。 Other than the type of data, all of the methods are exactly the same. 除了数据类型之外,所有方法都完全相同。 My original inclination was to try and make a BaseVec3 class of generic type T and then just declare the type in the subclasses. 我最初的意图是尝试创建通用类型T的BaseVec3类,然后在子类中声明该类型。 But, of course, a generic requires a class, not a primitive. 但是,当然,泛型需要一个类,而不是原始类。

Is there any way I can have a single method code-base but with different primitive data types? 有什么办法可以使一个方法代码库具有不同的原始数据类型?

Edit: I should probably note that I have been programming in Python and C for a while and it's been a while since I've touched Java. 编辑:我可能应该注意,我已经用Python和C编程了一段时间了,自从接触Java以来​​已经有一段时间了。 So, my first instinct answer to this question is NO . 因此,我对这个问题的第一个直觉答案是“ 否”

I'm not 100% sure of what you're asking, but if your code is as you've shown, don't you have what you want? 我不确定您要问什么,但是如果您的代码如您所显示的那样,我不是100%知道吗? In your code, Color extends Vec3 . 在您的代码中, Color extends Vec3 Due to this statement, a Color object can be treated as a Vec3 object; 由于此声明,可以将Color对象视为Vec3对象。 all methods from Vec3 are inherited by Color and methods which take an arg of type Vec3 will accept args of type Color. Vec3中的所有方法均由Color继承,并且采用Vec3类型的arg的方法将接受Color类型的args。

Each primitive has its corresponding class. 每个原语都有其对应的类。 For example, Integer for int . 例如, Integer for int Java can autobox them, ie convert them automatically. Java可以将它们自动装箱,即自动将它们转换。

However, I don't think using inheritance is appropriate in this case. 但是,在这种情况下,我认为使用继承不合适。 What if you Vec3 implementation change? 如果您的Vec3实施发生变化该怎么办? What if you decide to make you members private (as you should)? 如果您决定将您的成员设为私有(应该这样做)怎么办?

EDIT - I see your comment about generics at the end. 编辑-我在最后看到了您对泛型的评论。 Isn't that what autoboxing is for? 那不是自动装箱的目的吗?

Couldn't you just use a generic like this? 您不能只使用这样的泛型吗?

public abstract class GenericVector<T> {
    private final T x, y, z;

    public GenericVector(T x, T y, T z) {

    public T getX() { return x; }
    public T getY() { return y; }
    public T getZ() { return z; }

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