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[英]How to change the output after running multinom() in R

Dear Stackoverflow community, 尊敬的Stackoverflow社区,

The default output R produces after running multinom() from the nnet package only includes the coefficients of the dependent variables, the residual deviance and the Akaike Information Criterion. 从nnet包运行multinom()后产生的默认输出R仅包括因变量的系数,残差和Akaike信息准则。 Unfortunately, there is no information whatsoever on the number of observations used at fitting the model, the Wald Chi Square and the pseudo-R2, which Stata provides after a multinomial logit. 不幸的是,没有任何信息可以用来拟合模型,Wald Chi Square和拟R2( Stata在多项logit后提供)的拟合模型。 How could I get these model statistics after multinom ? multinom后如何获得这些模型统计信息? I am particularly interested in the number of observations, the pseudo R2 and the Wald-chi2 and its significance. 我对观测的数量,伪R2和Wald-chi2及其意义特别感兴趣。

At least to get Wald, you should install and load the 'car' package, And then you can use Anova (note this is different from the lowercase 'anova'). 至少要获得Wald,您应该安装并加载'car'软件包,然后才能使用Anova(请注意,这与小写的'anova'不同)。 There is a worked example here: http://www.datavis.ca/courses/VCD/R/output/wlf-glogit.html 这里有一个有效的示例: http : //www.datavis.ca/courses/VCD/R/output/wlf-glogit.html

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