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使用tapply / dapply等进行t.tests

[英]using tapply/dapply etc for t.tests

I have a data frame from an interlab study as follows http://pastebin.com/AD57AYD1 我有一个来自interlab研究的数据框架,如下所示: http://pastebin.com/AD57AYD1

Essentially lab=Laboratory, mat=material, fab=strength, thick=thickness 本质上是实验室=实验室,垫子=材料,制造厂=强度,厚度=厚度

I want t.test data to compare each lab for each type of material. 我想要t.test数据来比较每种材料的每种实验室。

Ie, for mat=v, I want to run a t.test to compare lab B against lab S. 即,对于mat = v,我想运行t.test以将实验室B与实验室S进行比较。

Similarly for materials c, n and l. 对于材料c,n和l同样。

Due to my inability to work out how to do this efficiently, I create a column using the intaraction function (I know there must be easier ways!) and then run t.tests for each combination I am interested in. 由于无法解决如何有效执行此操作,因此我使用intaraction函数创建了一个列(我知道必须有更简单的方法!),然后对我感兴趣的每个组合运行t.tests。

# create a new column with lab/mat factors combined

tv<-with(interlab, t.test(fab[allfacts == "S.v"],
        fab[allfacts == "B.v"],var.equal=FALSE))

tl<-with(interlab, t.test(fab[allfacts == "S.l"],
        fab[allfacts == "B.l"],var.equal=FALSE))

... etc etc

I am sure that I should be able to use one of the plyr functions, perhaps something like this: 我确信我应该能够使用plyr函数之一,也许是这样的:

tapply(interlab$fab, list(interlab$lab,interlab$mat), t.test)

but this isn't working out. 但这没有解决。

Any help much appreciated. 任何帮助,不胜感激。 Pete 皮特

EDIT: Further to the comment below, I had also looked at the pairwise.t.test function in this respect, but it did too many comparisons (ie, it did a t-test of lab B nitrile versus lab S vinyl - which is irrelevant. I called it like this: 编辑:除了下面的评论,我在这方面也查看了pairwise.t.test函数,但是它进行了太多比较(即,它进行了实验室B腈与实验室S乙烯基的t检验-这是无关紧要,我这样称呼它:

pairwise.t.test(interlab$fab,interaction(interlab$mat,interlab$lab),paired=FALSE, pool.sd=FALSE)

and it gave me 它给了我

> pairwise.t.test(interlab$fab,interaction(interlab$mat,interlab$lab),paired=FALSE, pool.sd=FALSE)

Pairwise comparisons using t tests with non-pooled SD 

    data:  interlab$fab and interaction(interlab$mat, interlab$lab) 

    c.B     l.B     n.B     v.B     c.S     l.S     n.S    
    l.B 0.54484 -       -       -       -       -       -      
    n.B 3.8e-07 1.9e-06 -       -       -       -       -      
    v.B 0.93881 0.22393 3.6e-07 -       -       -       -      
    c.S 0.00576 0.93881 1.2e-05 0.00026 -       -       -      
    l.S 0.00067 0.48601 2.5e-05 4.6e-05 0.89883 -       -      
    n.S 4.3e-12 2.2e-10 0.92366 5.4e-12 6.7e-10 7.7e-10 -      
    v.S 0.93881 0.93881 1.9e-06 0.31885 0.01217 0.00169 1.3e-10

    P value adjustment method: holm 

I understand the problem with undertaking multiple comparisons and having to adjust the significance criteria. 我了解进行多次比较并必须调整重要性标准的问题。 I just couldn't get the pairwise call to only do the tests I was interested in. 我只是无法成对调用仅执行我感兴趣的测试。

there is a solution using the package plyr 有使用plyr软件包的解决方案

FUN <- function(x) {
 mat <- matrix(numeric(), 1, 2)
 colnames(mat) <- tail(colnames(x),2)
 for (i in 1:ncol(mat)) {
    mat[1,i] <- t.test(x[,"thick"]~x[,"lab"])$p.value
    mat[1,i] <- t.test(x[,"fab"] ~ x[,"lab"])$p.value
# if you are only interested by fab :
 FUN <- function(x) {
   t.test(x[,"fab"] ~ x[,"lab"])$p.value  

ddply(tab, .(mat), FUN)

HTH 高温超导

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