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[英]batch file that opens cmd prompt types string as command line

I got my batch file to open cmd prompt and change directory successfully, however what I cannot get to work is after the directory has changed I want the batch to then to enter a string as a command. 我得到了我的批处理文件以打开cmd提示符并成功更改目录,但是我无法工作的是在目录更改后我希望批处理然后输入字符串作为命令。

I've tried cmd /k string but that didn't seem to work, the cmd just sits at the changed directory. 我已经尝试过cmd /k string但这似乎不起作用,cmd只是位于更改的目录中。 I've also tried: 我也尝试过:

    set Opvar= echo string

Again it just sits at the last changed directory. 它再次位于最后更改的目录中。 The batchisp line that's commented out is what the string is that I want to act as if I typed the whole string and pressed enter at the current directory prompt. 注释掉的batchisp行是我想要表现的字符串,就像我键入整个字符串并在当前目录提示符处按Enter键一样。 Here's the whole thing: 这是整个事情:

@Echo OFF

FOR /F "Tokens=*" %%@ IN ('Reg Query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList" ^| FIND "-1000"') DO (
FOR /F "Tokens=2,*" %%A IN ('Reg Query "%%@" /v "ProfileImagePath" ^| FIND /V "%%@"') DO (
set drive=%%B
    Echo    Admin SID: %%~n@
    Echo Admin Folder: %%B


echo What are you flashing? Please select one option(1,2, or 3):
echo 1. Main Board w/ 6-Station OpCon.
echo 2. Main Board w/ 12-Station Opcon.
echo 3. OpCon Board.

set /P INPUT=Type input: %=%
If "%INPUT%"=="1" goto Option1
If "%INPUT%"=="2" goto Option2
If "%INPUT%"=="3" goto Option3



echo Starting 6-Station DFU flash...
echo xcopy "%~dp0M1k_MainPCB\6-STATION\*.*" "%drive%\Desktop\MainPCB6\" /d /s /h /v /c /f /k /y
echo cmd /k "cd /d %drive%\Desktop\MainPCB6\6-STATION\Debug\"

goto End



echo Starting 12-Station DFU flash...
echo xcopy "%~dp0M1k_MainPCB\12-STATION\*.*" "%drive%\Desktop\MainPCB12\" /d /s /h /v /c /f /k /y
echo cmd /k "cd /d %drive%\Desktop\MainPCB12\12-STATION\Debug\"

goto End



echo Starting OpCon DFU flash...
xcopy "%~dp0M1k_SWPCB\SWPCB\*.*" "%drive%\Desktop\SWPCB\" /d /s /h /v /c /f /k /y
cmd /k "cd /d %drive%\Desktop\SWPCB\SWPCB\Debug\"

::batchisp -device at32uc3a0512 -hardware usb -operation erase f memory flash blankcheck loadbuffer SWPCB.elf program verify start reset 0

goto End


echo ******
echo *****
echo ****
echo ***
echo **
echo *
echo Flash Completed!  Press any key to exit...


Any help would be much appreciated. 任何帮助将非常感激。

Thank you 谢谢

You are changing the working directory in a new instance of CMD (CMD /K), use PUSHD to change the working directory in your current CMD instance and POPD to return to the last used directory: 您正在更改CMD(CMD / K)的新实例中的工作目录,使用PUSHD更改当前CMD实例中的工作目录,使用POPD返回上次使用的目录:

@Echo OFF
Echo I'm on "%CD%" Directory!
Echo I'm on "%CD%" Directory!

Change your code to this: 将您的代码更改为:


echo Starting OpCon DFU flash...
xcopy "%~dp0M1k_SWPCB\SWPCB\*.*" "%drive%\Desktop\SWPCB\" /d /s /h /v /c /f /k /y
PUSHD "%drive%\Desktop\SWPCB\SWPCB\Debug"
batchisp -device at32uc3a0512 -hardware usb -operation erase f memory flash blankcheck loadbuffer SWPCB.elf program verify start reset 0
goto :End

...Or if you want to start directly the command in a new instance of CMD change it to this: ...或者如果您想直接在新的CMD实例中启动命令,请将其更改为:

CMD /k "Start /W """" "%drive%\Desktop\SWPCB\SWPCB\Debug\batchisp" -device at32uc3a0512 -hardware usb -operation erase f memory flash blankcheck loadbuffer SWPCB.elf program verify start reset 0"

PS: Remember that you don't need to change the working dir to start an app, you can write the path followed by the process name like in my last example. PS:请记住,您不需要更改工作目录来启动应用程序,您可以在上一个示例中编写路径后跟进程名称。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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