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batch file that opens cmd prompt types string as command line

I got my batch file to open cmd prompt and change directory successfully, however what I cannot get to work is after the directory has changed I want the batch to then to enter a string as a command.

I've tried cmd /k string but that didn't seem to work, the cmd just sits at the changed directory. I've also tried:

    set Opvar= echo string

Again it just sits at the last changed directory. The batchisp line that's commented out is what the string is that I want to act as if I typed the whole string and pressed enter at the current directory prompt. Here's the whole thing:

@Echo OFF

FOR /F "Tokens=*" %%@ IN ('Reg Query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList" ^| FIND "-1000"') DO (
FOR /F "Tokens=2,*" %%A IN ('Reg Query "%%@" /v "ProfileImagePath" ^| FIND /V "%%@"') DO (
set drive=%%B
    Echo    Admin SID: %%~n@
    Echo Admin Folder: %%B


echo What are you flashing? Please select one option(1,2, or 3):
echo 1. Main Board w/ 6-Station OpCon.
echo 2. Main Board w/ 12-Station Opcon.
echo 3. OpCon Board.

set /P INPUT=Type input: %=%
If "%INPUT%"=="1" goto Option1
If "%INPUT%"=="2" goto Option2
If "%INPUT%"=="3" goto Option3



echo Starting 6-Station DFU flash...
echo xcopy "%~dp0M1k_MainPCB\6-STATION\*.*" "%drive%\Desktop\MainPCB6\" /d /s /h /v /c /f /k /y
echo cmd /k "cd /d %drive%\Desktop\MainPCB6\6-STATION\Debug\"

goto End



echo Starting 12-Station DFU flash...
echo xcopy "%~dp0M1k_MainPCB\12-STATION\*.*" "%drive%\Desktop\MainPCB12\" /d /s /h /v /c /f /k /y
echo cmd /k "cd /d %drive%\Desktop\MainPCB12\12-STATION\Debug\"

goto End



echo Starting OpCon DFU flash...
xcopy "%~dp0M1k_SWPCB\SWPCB\*.*" "%drive%\Desktop\SWPCB\" /d /s /h /v /c /f /k /y
cmd /k "cd /d %drive%\Desktop\SWPCB\SWPCB\Debug\"

::batchisp -device at32uc3a0512 -hardware usb -operation erase f memory flash blankcheck loadbuffer SWPCB.elf program verify start reset 0

goto End


echo ******
echo *****
echo ****
echo ***
echo **
echo *
echo Flash Completed!  Press any key to exit...


Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you

You are changing the working directory in a new instance of CMD (CMD /K), use PUSHD to change the working directory in your current CMD instance and POPD to return to the last used directory:

@Echo OFF
Echo I'm on "%CD%" Directory!
Echo I'm on "%CD%" Directory!

Change your code to this:


echo Starting OpCon DFU flash...
xcopy "%~dp0M1k_SWPCB\SWPCB\*.*" "%drive%\Desktop\SWPCB\" /d /s /h /v /c /f /k /y
PUSHD "%drive%\Desktop\SWPCB\SWPCB\Debug"
batchisp -device at32uc3a0512 -hardware usb -operation erase f memory flash blankcheck loadbuffer SWPCB.elf program verify start reset 0
goto :End

...Or if you want to start directly the command in a new instance of CMD change it to this:

CMD /k "Start /W """" "%drive%\Desktop\SWPCB\SWPCB\Debug\batchisp" -device at32uc3a0512 -hardware usb -operation erase f memory flash blankcheck loadbuffer SWPCB.elf program verify start reset 0"

PS: Remember that you don't need to change the working dir to start an app, you can write the path followed by the process name like in my last example.

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