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如何将复杂的mysql_ * SELECT重写为PDO?

[英]How to rewrite complex mysql_* SELECT as PDO?

I'm upgrading all my mysql_* to PDO. 我正在将所有mysql_ *升级到PDO。 I can handle simple SELECTs and INSERTs. 我可以处理简单的SELECT和INSERT。 But I have one complex SELECT using nested loops that I am making a dog's dinner of. 但是我有一个使用嵌套循环的复杂SELECT,我正在做一个狗的饭。 I'll post the mysql_* code, which outputs a two-column table with total registrations at A1 level in the first column and total registrations at A1 level who have paid in brackets in the second column. 我会后的mysql_ *代码,它输出两列的表与A1级的第一列谁已经在第二列付费括号总注册 和A1级总注册

Smithsville : A1 |      |
  10             | (7)  |
Grange : A1      |      |
   4             |  (4) |
Beau Ridge : A1  |      |
   23            |  (16)|
Jonesboro : A1   |      |
   9             | (9)  |
Lexing : A1      |      |
  3              | (1)  |

In the full application further tables are genertated across the page for the other levels. 在完整的应用程序中,该页面的其他级别会生成更多表。

$levels = array('A1', 'A2', 'B1', 'B2');

$centres = array('Smithsville', 'Grange', 'Plateau Ridge', 'Jonesboro', 'Lexing');

for ($j = 0; $j < 1; $j++)  /* Does not loop; selects only A1 in queries below*/
       for ($k=0; $k<5; $k++) /* Cycles through the centres */
        $show_count = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(Centre) 
                                          FROM exam 
                    WHERE exam.Centre='".$centres[$k]."' 
                    AND exam.Level='".$levels[$j]."'");

        $show_paid = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(Centre) 
                       FROM exam
                       JOIN personal 
                       ON exam.P_ID=personal.P_ID
                       WHERE personal.Paid='1' 
                       AND exam.Centre='".$centres[$k]."'
                       AND exam.Level='".$levels[$j]."'");

    $result_rows = mysql_num_rows($show_count);

    $result_rows2 = mysql_num_rows($show_paid);

        if ($result_rows == 0) 
           { echo 'No registrations';}

              if ($result_rows2 == 0) 
           { echo 'No payments';}

        echo '<table class="Font3White">
            <tr class="Title">
              <td class="width8">'.$centres[$k].' : '.$levels[$j].'</td>
while (($row = mysql_fetch_row($show_count)) && ($row2 = mysql_fetch_row($show_paid)))
             foreach ($row as $key => $value)  
              echo '<td>';
              echo $value;  
                   echo '</td>';

             foreach ($row2 as $key2 => $value2)
                   echo '<td> (';
              echo $value2;  
              echo ')</td>';

             echo '</tr>';
        echo '</table>';


My PDO attempt is 我的PDO尝试是

    for ($j = 0; $j < 1; $j++)  /* Does not loop; selects only A1 */
                        for ($k=0; $k<5; $k++) /* Cycles through the centres */

            /*   Prepares statements    */

        $stmt1 = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(Centre) 
                FROM exam 
                WHERE exam.Centre=:centre   
                AND exam.Level=:level");

        $stmt2 = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(Centre) 
                FROM exam
                JOIN personal 
                ON exam.P_ID=personal.P_ID
                     WHERE personal.Paid='1' 
                AND exam.Centre=:centre 
                AND exam.Level=:level");

        /*   Binds parameters  */

    $stmt1->bindParam(':centre', $centre, PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $stmt1->bindParam(':level', $level, PDO::PARAM_STR);

    $stmt2->bindParam(':centre', $centre, PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $stmt2->bindParam(':level', $level, PDO::PARAM_STR);

    /*   Executes statements    */

    $stmt1->execute(array($centre, $level));
    $stmt2->execute(array($centre, $level));

    echo '<table class="Font3White">
            <tr class="Title">
              <td class="width8">'.$centres[$k].' > '.$levels[$j].'</td>
   while (($row = $stmt1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) && ($row2 = $stmt2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)))
           foreach ($row as $key => $value)  
                  echo '<td>';
                  echo $value;  
                       echo '</td>';

                 foreach ($row2 as $key2 => $value2)
                       echo '<td> (';
                  echo $value2;  
                  echo ')</td>';
                echo '</tr>';
    echo '</table>';


I know this is terrible but I hope it can be worked with. 我知道这很糟糕,但我希望可以解决。

I know it's wrong to make you the dirty work, but that's it. 我知道让您做脏工作是错误的,但是仅此而已。

I made some changes to your code, so compare mine with yours. 我对您的代码进行了一些更改,因此请您的代码进行比较

Hope it helps you. 希望对您有帮助。

$levels = array('A1', 'A2', 'B1', 'B2');

$centres = array('Smithsville', 'Grange', 'Plateau Ridge', 'Jonesboro', 'Lexing');

foreach ($levels as $level) {
    foreach ($centres as $centre) {

        // As you said, PREPARE
        $stmt1 = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(Centre) 
                FROM exam 
                WHERE exam.Centre=:centre   
                AND exam.Level=:level");

        $stmt2 = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(Centre) 
                FROM exam
                JOIN personal 
                ON exam.P_ID=personal.P_ID
                     WHERE personal.Paid='1' 
                AND exam.Centre=:centre 
                AND exam.Level=:level");

        $stmt1->bindParam(':centre', $centre, PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $stmt1->bindParam(':level', $level, PDO::PARAM_STR);

        $stmt2->bindParam(':centre', $centre, PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $stmt2->bindParam(':level', $level, PDO::PARAM_STR);

        //You don't need to pass parameters here just on PDOStatement::bindParam

        echo '<table class="Font3White">
            <tr class="Title">
              <td class="width8">' . $centre . ' > ' . $level . '</td>

        // Fetch stuffs
        $row = $stmt1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $row2 = $stmt2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        // Don't use while with PDOStatement::fetch, use fetchAll then foreach it.
        if ($row && $row2) {

            foreach ($row as $key /* <= Do you need it? */ => $value) {
                echo '<td>';
                echo $value;
                echo '</td>';

            foreach ($row2 as $key2 /*  <= Do you need it? */ => $value2) {
                echo '<td> (';
                echo $value2;
                echo ')</td>';

            echo '</tr>';
        echo '</table>';
  1. Can you show us how you set $centre and $level variables? 您能告诉我们如何设置$ centre和$ level变量吗? Maybe they are arrays, not strings? 也许它们是数组,而不是字符串? If they are - you may have to create new variable and assign value from array to it. 如果它们是-您可能必须创建新变量并将值从数组分配给它。 Like this: 像这样:

    $value_to_bind = $centres[$k];

  2. Execute does not need parameters if you used bindParam() before. 如果之前使用过bindParam(),则Execute不需要参数。

  3. I never tried to run 2 queries with same parameter names and same variables binded to them. 我从未尝试使用相同的参数名称和相同的变量绑定两个查询来运行它们。 Maybe this is a problem? 也许这是一个问题?

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