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[英]three.js - rendering tube geometry in intervals

In Tube Geometry(Three.js) , I dont want whole tube to be plotted and rendered at one time but want it to happen after some interval (or timer). 在Tube Geometry(Three.js)中,我不希望一次绘制和渲染整个管,而是希望它在某个时间间隔(或计时器)之后发生。 How can I render some part of tube then after some interval continue plotting from the same point further ? 我如何渲染管的某个部分,然后在一定间隔后继续从同一点继续绘图?

You could use either setInterval() or setTimeout(); 您可以使用setInterval()或setTimeout(); for a description of how to use these, see 有关如何使用这些功能的说明,请参见

http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_timing.asp http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_timing.asp

Note that these are functions provided by JavaScript, not Three.js. 请注意,这些是JavaScript提供的功能,而不是Three.js。

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