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[英]What happens when we call a static method/function using class instance?

Static variables and method belong to class rather than it's instances(Objects). 静态变量和方法属于类而不是它的实例(对象)。 generally they are accessed using className.staticMethod() or className.staticVariable but we can also access or call them using class instances eg classInstance.staticMethod() and classInstance.staticVariable . 通常使用className.staticMethod()className.staticVariable访问它们,但我们也可以使用类实例访问或调用它们,例如classInstance.staticMethod()classInstance.staticVariable

My 1st question is 我的第一个问题是

Why allow accessing static methods/functions through class instances in the 1st place? 为什么允许在第一个位置通过类实例访问静态方法/函数? Does it have any use case? 它有任何用例吗?

Next question is as follows.Consider the following class 下一个问题如下。考虑以下课程

public class Counter{
private static int count = 0;

public static synchronized int getCount()
  return count;

public synchronized setCount(int count)
   this.count = count;


In a multi threaded environment if these functions are called as below 在多线程环境中,如果调用这些函数如下所示

Counter myCounter = new Counter();

2nd question is 第二个问题是

Will both functions have separate lock or the same lock(considering they are both called by myCounter object)? 两个函数是否都有单独的锁或相同的锁(考虑到它们都被myCounter对象调用)? If thread processing static method still acquiring class level lock how does it internally figure out what lock it has to take? 如果线程处理静态方法仍然获取类级锁定它如何在内部找出它必须采取什么锁?

Question1 : An class instance always has information of a class, so it is valid to call a static method from instance as it will have information regarding class. 问题1 :类实例始终具有类的信息,因此从实例调用静态方法是有效的,因为它将具有关于类的信息。 Other way round is not possible as class will not have info regarding its instances, so you can't call instance level method using class name. 其他方式是不可能的,因为类不会有关于其实例的信息,因此您不能使用类名调用实例级方法。

If you try to call a static method via an instance you will get warning as you should avoid it, so you wont get a valid case but yes its logical to allow static call through instance. 如果你试图通过一个实例调用一个静态方法,你会得到警告,因为你应该避免它,所以你不会得到一个有效的情况,但是它是合乎逻辑的,允许通过实例进行静态调用。

Question2 : Coming to 2nd question, moment a thread enters a static block or method, jvm knows which lock to take ie class level. 问题2 :进入第二个问题,当一个线程进入静态块或方法时,jvm知道要采取哪个锁即类级别。 User has no control over it. 用户无法控制它。 So instance method will take object lock and static method will take class lock as thread works on it irrespective of how call is made. 因此,实例方法将采用对象锁定,并且静态方法将采用类锁定作为线程在其上工作,而不管如何进行调用。

Q1: you can reed the following link Q1:您可以使用以下链接

http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/classvars.html http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/classvars.html

Q2: First of all the second method will show up a warning that it should declared as static otherwise the field should not be static. Q2:首先,第二种方法将显示一个警告,它应该声明为静态,否则该字段不应该是静态的。 How ever they Absolutely have different locks; 他们怎么绝对拥有不同的锁; Instance method have object lock and static object have class level lock 实例方法有对象锁,静态对象有类级锁


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