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取消分配指针数组-C ++

[英]Deallocate a pointer array - C++

so.. i've been struggling to deallocate an array. 所以..我一直在努力解除分配数组。
I have no clue as of why there is a memoryleak but somehow there is one. 我不知道为什么会发生记忆泄漏,但不知何故。
I haven't allocated any memory anywhere besides in the main function. 除了主功能之外,我没有分配任何内存。

#include <iostream>
#include "Motorboat.h"
#include "Sailboat.h"

using namespace std;
void printSailBoats(Boat* arr[], int nrOfElements);
int main() {
    _CrtSetDbgFlag( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); // used to check for memoryleaks in debug mode

    Boat* test[4];
    int nrOfElements = 4;

    test[0] = new Motorboat("heeelllooo",15000,"v100");
    test[1] = new Sailboat("saaailboat",1004,43.5);
    test[2] = new Motorboat("ASDK",4932,"Blabla");
    test[3] = new Sailboat("DKEOK",4992,103.4);


    for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
        delete test[i];

    return 0;

void printSailBoats(Boat* arr[], int nrOfElements) {
        // prints all sailboats

EDIT: Added the classes. 编辑:添加了类。 Boat.h: Boat.h:

#ifndef BOAT_H
#define BOAT_H
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Boat {
        virtual void setModel(string newModel) = 0;
        virtual void setPrice(int newPrice) = 0;
        virtual string getModel() const = 0;
        virtual int getPrice() const = 0;
        virtual string getType() const = 0;
        virtual string toString() const = 0;

Sailboat.h: Sailboat.h:

#ifndef SAILBOAT_H
#define SAILBOAT_H
#include "Boat.h"

class Sailboat: public Boat {
        double sailArea;
        string model;
        int price;

        Sailboat(string model, int price, double sailArea);
        void setSailArea(double newSailArea);
        double getSailArea() const;
        string toString() const;
        void setModel(string newModel);
        void setPrice(int newPrice);
        string getModel() const;
        int getPrice() const;
        string getType() const;

Sailboat.cpp: Sailboat.cpp:

#include "Sailboat.h"

Sailboat::Sailboat(string model, int price, double sailArea) {
    this->model = model;
    this->price = price;
    this->sailArea = sailArea;

// Setters, getters and toString...

It's pretty much the same thing for the motorboat class except that there is a string variable to store the name of the engine instead of sailarea. 除了没有用于存储引擎名称而不是sailarea的字符串变量之外,对于摩托艇类几乎是相同的。

The leak is here: 泄漏在这里:

for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
        delete test[i];

It is deleting the elements as if they were of the same type as the base class. 它正在删除元素,就好像它们与基类的类型一样。 IE if you have any 'extra' information in your derived class, it will be leaked. IE,如果您的派生类中有任何“额外”信息,它将被泄漏。

For example: 例如:

delete (Sailboat*)test[i]

is different than 与...不同

delete (Boat*)test[i]

You need to cast test[i] to the appropriate type before deleting it. 您需要先将test [i]转换为适当的类型,然后再将其删除。 Reclaiming the type you instantiated to may be difficult, so I would recommend you simply use smart pointers instead, and not worry about the delete. 回收实例化的类型可能很困难,因此我建议您只使用智能指针,而不用担心删除。

Edit: Also, virtual destructors will solve this issue. 编辑:此外,虚拟析构函数将解决此问题。 I'm still all for smart pointers ;) 我仍然全力以赴;)

It's probably a leak within your constructors. 这可能是构造函数中的漏洞。 My suggestion is to make destructors for each of the classes you define to ensure that you delete any objects created in the constructor. 我的建议是为定义的每个类创建析构函数,以确保删除在构造函数中创建的所有对象。

What you can do is add 您可以做的就是添加

#include <Crtdbg.h>

With the memory leaks output, it should give you file and line where the left over block was allocated. 随着内存泄漏输出,它应该为您分配剩余块分配到的文件和行。

Also, put a printf("Destructor of xxxx\\n"); 另外,放置一个printf("Destructor of xxxx\\n"); etc. in each of the destructors (Boat, Sailboat, Motoroboat). 等等。在每个破坏者(船,帆船,摩托艇)中。 These should be called/printed on delete. 这些应在删除时调用/打印。

But they will only be called, if the destructor of the base calls (Baot) is marked virtual. 但是只有在基本调用(Baot)的析构函数标记为虚拟时,它们才会被调用。 Otherwise you'll only get Boat-destructors called (and are probably losing memory that was allocated in Sailboat and Motorboat) 否则,您只会收到称为Boat-destructor的Boat析构函数(并且可能会丢失在Sailboat和Motorboat中分配的内存)

Adding this after seeing the definitions: 在查看定义后添加以下内容:

class Boat {
            { }
        virtual ~Boat()  // <--- this is the real catch!
                  { } 


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