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[英]How do I create an Rx sequence by running tasks over original sequence's values?

I have a sequence of type IObservable<T> and a function that maps T, CancellationToken to a Task<U> . 我有一个IObservable<T>类型的序列和一个将T, CancellationToken映射到Task<U>的函数。 What's the cleanest way of getting an IObservable<U> out of them? 从它们中获取IObservable<U>最简洁的方法是什么?

I need the following semantics: 我需要以下语义:

  • each tasks starts after the previous item's task has finished 上一个项目的任务完成后,每个任务都会启动
  • if a task has been cancelled or faulted, it is skipped 如果任务已被取消或出现故障,则会跳过该任务
  • the order of the original sequence is strictly preserved 严格保留原始序列的顺序

Here's the signature as I see it: 这是我看到的签名:

public static IObservable<U> Select<T, U> (
    this IObservable<T> source,
    Func<T, CancellationToken, Task<U>> selector

I haven't written any code yet but I will unless someone beats me to it. 我还没有写任何代码,但我会除非有人打败我。
In any case, I'm not familiar with operators like Window , so my solution will likely be less elegant. 在任何情况下,我都不熟悉像Window这样的运算符,所以我的解决方案可能不那么优雅。

I need the solution in C# 4, but C# 5 answers are also welcome for the sake of comparison. 我需要C#4中的解决方案,但为了比较,也欢迎C#5答案。

If you're curious, below is my real-world scenario, more or less: 如果你很好奇,下面是我的真实场景,或多或少:

Dropbox.GetImagesRecursively ()
    .ObserveOn (SynchronizationContext.Current)
    .Select (DownloadImage)
    .Subscribe (AddImageToFilePicker);

This seems to work for me so far: 到目前为止,这似乎对我有用:

public static IObservable<U> Select<T, U> (
    this IObservable<T> source,
    Func<T, CancellationToken, Task<U>> selector)
    return source
        .Select (item => 
            Observable.Defer (() => 
                Observable.StartAsync (ct => selector (item, ct))
                    .Catch (Observable.Empty<U> ())
        .Concat ();

We map a deferred task-based exception-swallowing observable to each item, and then concat them. 我们将一个延迟的基于任务的异常吞咽可观察对象映射到每个项目,然后将它们连接起来。

My thought process went like this. 我的思维过程就像这样。

I noticed that one of the SelectMany overloads does almost exactly what I wanted and even has exactly the same signature. 我注意到其中一个SelectMany重载几乎完全符合我的要求,甚至具有完全相同的签名。 It didn't satisfy my needs though: 但它并不能满足我的需求:

  • it creates tasks as original items come up, whereas I needed to wait for each task to finish 它会在原始项目出现时创建任务,而我需要等待每项任务完成
  • it offers no option to skip canceled and faulted tasks 它没有提供跳过已取消和故障任务的选项

I looked at this overload's implementation and noticed it uses FromAsync to handle task creation and cancellation: 我查看了这个重载的实现,发现它使用FromAsync来处理任务创建和取消:

public virtual IObservable<TResult> SelectMany<TSource, TTaskResult, TResult> (IObservable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, CancellationToken, Task<TTaskResult>> taskSelector, Func<TSource, TTaskResult, TResult> resultSelector)
    return SelectMany_<TSource, TTaskResult, TResult> (
        x => FromAsync (ct => taskSelector (x, ct)),

I turned my eye to FromAsync to see how it was implemented, and was pleasantly surprised to find it was composable as well: 我把目光转向了FromAsync以了解它是如何实现的,并且惊喜地发现它也是可组合的:

public virtual IObservable<TResult> FromAsync<TResult> (Func<CancellationToken, Task<TResult>> functionAsync)
    return Defer (() => StartAsync (functionAsync));

I reused Defer and StartAsync , while also adding Catch to swallow errors. 我重用了DeferStartAsync ,同时还添加了Catch来吞下错误。 The combination of Defer and Concat ensures tasks wait for each other and start in the original order. DeferConcat的组合可确保任务彼此等待并以原始顺序开始。

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