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使用 python 手动混合图像的像素

[英]mixing pixels of an image manually using python

I am trying to create an algorithm that blends the pixels of an image and I can bring the image as it was before, but I do not know do this.我正在尝试创建一种混合图像像素的算法,并且可以像以前一样使用图像,但我不知道这样做。

I'm using python and pil, but I can use other libraries.我正在使用 python 和 pil,但我可以使用其他库。

Exemple:例子:在此处输入图片说明 to在此处输入图片说明and back to然后回到在此处输入图片说明

Thank you.谢谢你。

This should do it.这应该这样做。 There's no error handling, it doesn't follow pep8 standards, it uses slow PIL operations and it doesn't use an argument parsing library.没有错误处理,它不遵循 pep8 标准,它使用慢 PIL 操作并且它不使用参数解析库。 I'm sure there are other bad things about it also.我敢肯定它还有其他不好的地方。

It works by seeding python's random number generator with an invariant of the image under scrambling.它的工作原理是在 python 的随机数生成器中使用加扰图像的不变量。 The hash of the size is used.使用大小的散列。 Since the size doesn't changed, a random sequence built on it will be the same for all images that share the same size.由于大小不会改变,因此构建在其上的随机序列对于共享相同大小的所有图像将是相同的。 That sequence is used as a one-to-one mapping, therefore it's reversible.该序列用作一对一映射,因此它是可逆的。

The script may be invoked twice from a shell to create two images, "scrambled.png" and "unscrambled.png".该脚本可以从 shell 调用两次以创建两个图像,“scrambled.png”和“unscrambled.png”。 "Qfhe3.png" is the source image. “Qfhe3.png”是源图像。

python scramble.py scramble "./Qfhe3.png"
python scramble.py unscramble "./scrambled.png"
from PIL import Image
import sys
import os
import random

def openImage():
    return Image.open(sys.argv[2])

def operation():
    return sys.argv[1]

def seed(img):

def getPixels(img):
    w, h = img.size
    pxs = []
    for x in range(w):
        for y in range(h):
            pxs.append(img.getpixel((x, y)))
    return pxs

def scrambledIndex(pxs):
    idx = list(range(len(pxs)))
    return idx

def scramblePixels(img):
    pxs = getPixels(img)
    idx = scrambledIndex(pxs)
    out = []
    for i in idx:
    return out

def unScramblePixels(img):
    pxs = getPixels(img)
    idx = scrambledIndex(pxs)
    out = list(range(len(pxs)))
    cur = 0
    for i in idx:
        out[i] = pxs[cur]
        cur += 1
    return out

def storePixels(name, size, pxs):
    outImg = Image.new("RGB", size)
    w, h = size
    pxIter = iter(pxs)
    for x in range(w):
        for y in range(h):
            outImg.putpixel((x, y), next(pxIter))

def main():
    img = openImage()
    if operation() == "scramble":
        pxs = scramblePixels(img)
        storePixels("scrambled.png", img.size, pxs)
    elif operation() == "unscramble":
        pxs = unScramblePixels(img)
        storePixels("unscrambled.png", img.size, pxs)
        sys.exit("Unsupported operation: " + operation())

if __name__ == "__main__":

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