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[英]Pybrain Neural Network failing to train correctly

I've been working on creating a neural network using pybrain, and after training it with propagation for some reason it fails to train my network. 我一直在努力使用pybrain创建一个神经网络,并且由于某种原因训练后传播它无法训练我的网络。 Any data set I use with more than two classes in the out dimension will just pile all my observations into one category. 我在out维度中使用两个以上类的任何数据集都会将我的所有观察结果都集中在一个类别中。 Does anyone know why this is happening? 有谁知道为什么会这样? Code and some output are below. 代码和一些输出如下。

import scipy
import numpy
from pybrain.datasets            import ClassificationDataSet
from pybrain.utilities           import percentError
from pybrain.tools.shortcuts     import buildNetwork
from pybrain.supervised.trainers import BackpropTrainer
from pybrain.structure.modules   import SoftmaxLayer
from sklearn.metrics             import precision_score,recall_score,confusion_matrix
def makeDataset(CSVfile,ClassFile):
    #import the features to data, and their classes to dataClasses
    print("Building the dataset from CSV files")
    #Initialize an empty Pybrain dataset, and populate it
    for count in range(len((classes))):
    return alldata

def makeNeuralNet(alldata,trainingPercent=.3,hiddenNeurons=5,trainingIterations=20):
    #Divide the data set into training and non-training data    
    testData, trainData = alldata.splitWithProportion(trainingPercent)
    testData._convertToOneOfMany( )
    trainData._convertToOneOfMany( )
    #Then build the network, and using backwards propogation to train it
    network = buildNetwork( trainData.indim, hiddenNeurons, trainData.outdim, outclass=SoftmaxLayer )
    trainer = BackpropTrainer( network, dataset=trainData, momentum=0.1, verbose=True, weightdecay=0.01)
    for i in range(trainingIterations):
        print("Training Epoch #"+str(i))
        trainer.trainEpochs( 1 )
    return [network,trainer]

def checkNeuralNet(trainer,alldata):
##    for row in alldata['target']:
##        row=list(row)
##        index=row.index(1)
##        actualVals+=[index]
    print("The precision is "+str(precision_score(actualVals,predictedVals)))
    print("The recall is "+str(recall_score(actualVals,predictedVals)))
    print("The confusion matrix is as shown below:")

#Build our dataset
#Build and train the network
#Check it's strength

The last epoch of training has .09 error, as shown in the below output: 最后一个训练时期有.09错误,如下面的输出所示:

Training Epoch #19
Total error: 0.0968444196605

And yet when I go to print the confusion matrix, precision, and recall, I get the following as well as this weird error: 然而,当我去打印混淆矩阵,精度和召回时,我得到以下以及这个奇怪的错误:

UserWarning: The sum of true positives and false positives are equal to zero for some labels. Precision is ill defined for those labels [1 2]. The precision and recall are equal to zero for some labels. fbeta_score is ill defined for those labels [1 2]. 
The precision is 0.316635552252
UserWarning: The sum of true positives and false positives are equal to zero for some labels. Precision is ill defined for those labels [1 2]. The precision and recall are equal to zero for some labels. fbeta_score is ill defined for those labels [1 2]. 
The recall is 0.562703787309
The confusion matrix is as shown below:
[[4487    0    0]
 [ 987    0    0]
 [2500    0    0]]

I had very similar problem, and I found SoftmaxLayer to be the cause. 我有类似的问题,我发现SoftmaxLayer是原因。 Try to replace it with something else, for example SigmoidLayer . 尝试用其他东西替换它,例如SigmoidLayer If that is a problem in your case as well there is a good chance that this class is bugy. 如果在你的情况下这也是一个问题,那么这个课很有可能是bugy。

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