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[英]Hiding JSF elements with Java

The java code returns a column from a SQL query and if the item isn't null, sets the title to "Available". java代码从SQL查询返回一列,如果该项不为null,则将标题设置为“Available”。

String sppAcronym = results.getString("ACRONYM");
if (sppAcronym != null) {

The JSF code makes a button labeled "Available" for all of the non-null items. JSF代码为所有非null项创建一个标记为“Available”的按钮。

<h:column headerClass="columnHeader" footerClass="columnFooter" itemValue="0">
    <f:facet name="header">Link to FEIS Fire Studies</f:facet>
    <h:commandButton id="btnSearch" value="#{SPP.fireStudyTitle}"
        immediate="true" onchange="submit();" 
        style="font-weight:bold; font-size:small;"
        onclick="javascript:cursor_wait()" class="buttonsFEIS"/>&#160;&#160;

My problem is that JSF makes small, empty commandButtons even for the null items. 我的问题是,即使对于null项,JSF也会创建小的空commandButtons。

How can I make it so I can hide those empty commandButtons and display only the non-null items? 我怎么能这样做,所以我可以隐藏那些空的commandButtons并只显示非空项目?

Use rendered attribute of the <h:commandButton> to control if the component must display or not in the generated HTML: 使用<h:commandButton> rendered属性来控制组件是否必须在生成的HTML中显示:

<h:commandButton id="btnSearch" value="#{SPP.fireStudyTitle}"
    immediate="true" onchange="submit();" 
    style="font-weight:bold; font-size:small;"
    onclick="javascript:cursor_wait()" class="buttonsFEIS"
    rendered="#{not empty SPP.acronym}" />

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