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JSF 2 - 隐藏默认值<? extends Number>

[英]JSF 2 - hiding default values on <? extends Number>

is there a way to hide the default values of my number properties? 有没有办法隐藏我的数字属性的默认值? I've got a int field and on my view the <h:inputText /> field shows a 0. In addition to this, if I leave this input empty I get a NullPointerException on this. 我有一个int字段,在我看来, <h:inputText />字段显示为0.除此之外,如果我将此输入留空,我会得到一个NullPointerException

Can I hide the default value and treat empty inputs as default value? 我可以隐藏默认值并将空输入视为默认值吗?

I'm using mojarra 2.1.2 on Tomcat 7 我在Tomcat 7上使用mojarra 2.1.2

The primitive int always defaults to 0 . 原始int始终默认为0 You want to use Integer instead. 您想要使用Integer Eg: 例如:

public class Entity {

    private Integer value;

    // ...

As to keeping it null while submitting empty data, add the following context param to your web.xml : 至于在提交空数据时保持null ,请将以下上下文参数添加到web.xml


In addition, if you're using Tomcat or a clone which utilizes Apache EL parser, add the following server startup VM argument as well to prevent it from treating Number values like primitives: 此外,如果您正在使用Tomcat或使用Apache EL解析器的克隆,请添加以下服务器启动VM参数,以防止它将Number值视为基元:


In Eclipse, you could set it in server configuration (doubleclick the server entry in Servers view) in the Arguments tab of the Open launch configuration dialogue. 在Eclipse中,您可以在Open launch配置对话框的Arguments选项卡中将其设置为服务器配置(在Servers视图中双击服务器条目)。 In production, you could add it to the JAVA_OPTS environment variable. 在生产中,您可以将其添加到JAVA_OPTS环境变量中。

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